
/am'euh nuy"teuh, -nee"-/, n.
any agaricaceous fungus of the genus Amanita, comprised chiefly of poisonous species.
[1821; < NL < Gk amanîtai (pl.) kind of fungi]

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Any mushroom of the genus Amanita, containing about 100 species, some of which are poisonous to humans.

Among the deadliest of all mushrooms are the large, white destroying angels (A. bispongera, A. ocreata, A. verna, and A. virosa), which are found in forests during wet periods in summer and autumn. The green or brown death cap (A. phalloides), also deadly, is found in woods in summer or early autumn. The poisonous fly agaric (A. muscaria), found in pastures and fields in summer, was once used as a fly poison. Common edible species include A. caesarea, A. rubescens, and A. vaginata.

Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)

Larry C. Moon
Tom Stack & Associates

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fungus genus
 genus of about 500 species of mushrooms in the family Pluteaceae (order Agaricales, kingdom Fungi). Some species of Amanita are poisonous to humans. The amanitas typically have white spores, a ring on the stem slightly below the cap, a veil (volva) torn as the cap expands, and a cup from which the stalk arises.

 Among the deadliest of all mushrooms are the destroying angels (A. bispongera, A. ocreata, A. verna, and A. virosa). They develop a large white fruiting body and are found in forests during wet periods in summer and autumn.

      Death cap (A. phalloides), also deadly, is found in woods or their borders. It has a green or brown cap and appears in summer or early autumn. Other poisonous species include A. brunnescens and A. pantherina; common edible species include A. caesarea, A. rubescens, and A. vaginata.

      The fly agaric, or fly amanita (A. muscaria), is a poisonous mushroom found in pastures and fields in summer. It was once used as a fly poison. See also mushroom poisoning.

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Universalium. 2010.

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