
aloetic /al'oh et"ik/, adj.
/al"oh/, n., pl. aloes.
1. any chiefly African shrub belonging to the genus Aloe, of the lily family, certain species of which yield a fiber.
2. See aloe vera.
4. aloes, (used with a sing. v.) agalloch.
[bef. 950; ME aloe, alow, alewen; OE al(u)we, alewe (cf. OS, OHG aloê) < L aloe < Gk alóe, perh. < South Asia via Heb]

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Any shrubby succulent plant of the genus Aloe, in the lily family.

Native to Africa, most of the 200 or so species have a rosette of leaves at the base but no stem. Several are cultivated as ornamentals. The juice of some species, especially the popular potted plant known as true aloe (Aloe vera), is used as an ingredient in cosmetics, as a purgative, and as a treatment for burns.

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plant genus
 genus of shrubby succulent plants in the family Asphodelaceae, containing about 200 species native to Africa. Most members of the genus have a rosette of leaves at the base but no stem.

 Several species are cultivated as ornamentals for their sharp-pointed, spiny leaves and colourful clusters of yellow or red flowers. The juice of some species, especially the popular potted plant known as true aloe (Aloe vera), is used as an ingredient in cosmetics and in medicine as a purgative and as a treatment for burns.

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Universalium. 2010.

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