
/ayl"yeuhn, ay"lee euhn/, n.
1. a resident born in or belonging to another country who has not acquired citizenship by naturalization (distinguished from citizen).
2. a foreigner.
3. a person who has been estranged or excluded.
4. a creature from outer space; extraterrestrial.
5. residing under a government or in a country other than that of one's birth without having or obtaining the status of citizenship there.
6. belonging or relating to aliens: alien property.
7. unlike one's own; strange; not belonging to one: alien speech.
8. adverse; hostile; opposed (usually fol. by to or from): ideas alien to modern thinking.
9. extraterrestrial.
[1300-50; ME < MF < L alienus, equiv. to *alies- (ali-, base of alius other + -es- n. suffix) + -nus adj. suffix]
Syn. 1. immigrant. 2. See stranger. 3. outcast. 7. exotic, foreign.

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In law, one who resides in a country without becoming naturalized, retaining instead the citizenship of another country.

The laws of most nations have long afforded aliens certain minimum standards of civilized treatment but have also restricted their employment and ownership of property. Under U.S. law, all aliens have had to register since 1940. Registration cards ("green cards") entitle them to obtain employment. Like citizens, aliens are protected by the U.S. Constitution, including the Bill of Rights and the due-process clause of the 14th Amendment. They remain subject to limitations under local laws, and residence in the U.S. is not a right but a privilege granted by Congress.

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      in national and international law, a foreign-born resident who is not a citizen by virtue of parentage or naturalization and who is still a citizen or subject of another country.

      In early times, the tendency was to look upon the alien as an enemy and to treat him as a criminal or outlaw. Aristotle, probably reflecting a common view in the ancient world, saw non-Greeks as barbarous people who were slavesby nature.” The jus gentium of the Roman law applied to both citizens and foreigners and tended to favour the idea that aliens had rights; humanity toward aliens was also fostered, in theory at least, by the Christian idea of the unity of all persons in the church. The legal and ideological expression of humanity toward the alien, however, is generally a relatively modern development.

      As sovereign national states began to develop in modern times, founders of international law asserted that natural rights were vested in all persons, without regard to citizenship or alienagerights of which they ought not to be deprived by civilized societies or their governments. There was no general agreement on the content or scope of these natural rights as they affected aliens, but the existence of some minimum standard of civilized treatment was asserted. The minimum standard, it was conceded, did not include the right of the alien to own realty or to engage in gainful professions. To meet this situation, states entered into treaties that provided that each of the contracting states would treat the nationals of the other state on an equal footing with its own nationals in the admission into trades and professions, ownership or possession of property, access to courts, enjoyment of liberty of conscience, and freedom of worship. Some treaties do not purport to extend to aliens, however, rights that are by municipal law reserved exclusively to nationals of the country; thus, municipal law, rather than conventional international law, is actually controlling. In particular, the desire of nations to protect citizens in their jobs, professions, and businesses against both unemployment and competition is a very strong force restricting the latitude of aliens.

      The common economic (European Community) needs of nations, on the other hand, have had some liberalizing effects on the status of aliens. The treaty constituting the European Common Market, for instance, provides that citizens of member states shall be free to reside in any signatory country that offers them employment; wages and working conditions are to be the same for citizens and aliens. This treaty may in time serve as a model to raise the so-called minimum standards in the treatment of aliens.

      Under U.S (United States). federal law, beginning in 1940, all aliens have had to register. In 1965 a new law provided for phasing out by 1968 the immigration quota system based on national origins that had been in effect, with modifications, since 1921. U.S. immigration is now subject to a worldwide numerical ceiling and a system of preferences based on occupation and relationship to U.S. citizens.

      Aliens who are admitted legally to the United States may be so certified and grantedgreen cardsthat entitle them to rights that include employment. But they are still subject to limitations under local laws. The U.S. Supreme Court held, for example, that municipalities may require police officers to be U.S. citizens (1982); “Aliens are by definition those outside the communityof those under self-government.

      The alien in the United States is afforded a large measure of economic opportunity; he may invoke the writ of habeas corpus; in criminal proceedings he is entitled to the guarantees of the Bill of Rights; and his property cannot be taken without just compensation. But to remain in the countryis not his right, but is a matter of permission and tolerance.” As long as the alien is in the United States, the Constitution is his protection; but Congress, not the Constitution, decides whether or not he is to remain.

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Universalium. 2010.

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