
/air"foyl'/, n. Aeron.
any surface, as a wing, aileron, or stabilizer, designed to aid in lifting or controlling an aircraft by making use of the air currents through which it moves.
[1920-25; AIR1 + FOIL2]

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Shaped surface, such as an airplane wing, tail, or propeller blade, that produces lift and drag when moved through the air.

An airfoil produces a lifting force that acts at right angles to the airstream and a dragging force that acts in the same direction as the airstream. High-speed aircraft usually employ thin, low-drag, low-lift airfoils; slow aircraft that carry heavy loads use thicker airfoils with high drag and high lift.

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aircraft part
also spelled  Aerofoil,  

      shaped surface, such as an airplane wing, tail, or propeller blade, that produces lift and drag when moved through the air. An airfoil produces a lifting force that acts at right angles to the airstream and a dragging force that acts in the same direction as the airstream.

      High-speed aircraft usually employ low-drag, low-lift airfoils that are thin and streamlined. Slow aircraft that carry heavy loads use thicker airfoils with high drag and high lift.

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Universalium. 2010.

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