
/preuh pel"euhr/, n.
1. a device having a revolving hub with radiating blades, for propelling an airplane, ship, etc.
2. a person or thing that propels.
3. the bladed rotor of a pump that drives the fluid axially.
4. a wind-driven, usually three-bladed, device that provides mechanical energy, as for driving an electric alternator in wind plants.
[1770-80; PROPEL + -ER1]

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Device with a central hub and radiating blades placed so that each forms part of a helical (spiral) surface, used to propel a vehicle such as a ship or airplane.

By its rotation in water or air, the propeller produces thrust on the blades, which gives forward motion to the vehicle.

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 device with a central hub and radiating blades placed so that each forms part of a helical (spiral) surface. By its rotation in water or air, a propeller produces thrust owing to aerodynamic or fluid forces acting upon the blades and gives forward motion to a ship or aircraft. In Great Britain the propeller of an airplane or the rotor of a helicopter is commonly called an airscrew.

      A propeller's thrust is proportional to the product of the mass of water or air that it is acting on and the accelerating rate. For the most efficient propulsion, the mass should be large and the acceleration small.

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Universalium. 2010.

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