- aggregate
—aggregable /ag"ri geuh beuhl/, adj. —aggregately, adj. —aggregateness, n. —aggregatory /ag"ri geuh tawr'ee, -tohr'ee/, adj.adj.1. formed by the conjunction or collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum; total; combined: the aggregate amount of indebtedness.2. Bot.a. (of a flower) formed of florets collected in a dense cluster but not cohering, as the daisy.b. (of a fruit) composed of a cluster of carpels belonging to the same flower, as the raspberry.3. Geol. (of a rock) consisting of a mixture of minerals separable by mechanical means.n.4. a sum, mass, or assemblage of particulars; a total or gross amount: the aggregate of all past experience.5. a cluster of soil granules not larger than a small crumb.6. any of various loose, particulate materials, as sand, gravel, or pebbles, added to a cementing agent to make concrete, plaster, etc.8. in the aggregate, taken or considered as a whole: In the aggregate, our losses have been relatively small.v.t.9. to bring together; collect into one sum, mass, or body.10. to amount to (the number of): The guns captured will aggregate five or six hundred.v.i.11. to combine and form a collection or mass.[1375-1425; late ME < L aggregatus (ptp. of aggregare), equiv. to ag- AG- + greg- (s. of grex flock) + -atus -ATE1]
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▪ building materialin building and construction, material used for mixing with cement, bitumen, lime, gypsum, or other adhesive to form concrete or mortar. The aggregate gives volume, stability, resistance to wear or erosion, and other desired physical properties to the finished product. Commonly used aggregates include sand, crushed or broken stone, gravel (pebbles), broken blast-furnace slag, boiler ashes (clinkers), burned shale, and burned clay. Fine aggregate usually consists of sand, crushed stone, or crushed slag screenings; coarse aggregate consists of gravel (pebbles), fragments of broken stone, slag, and other coarse substances. Fine aggregate is used in making thin concrete slabs or other structural members and where a smooth surface is desired; coarse aggregate is used for more massive members.* * *
Universalium. 2010.