
agglomerative /euh glom"euh ray'tiv, -euhr euh tiv/, adj.agglomerator, n.
v. /euh glom"euh rayt'/; adj., n. /euh glom"euhr it, -euh rayt'/, v., agglomerated, agglomerating, adj., n.
v.t., v.i.
1. to collect or gather into a cluster or mass.
2. gathered together into a cluster or mass.
3. Bot. crowded into a dense cluster, but not cohering.
4. a mass of things clustered together.
5. rock composed of rounded or angular volcanic fragments.
[1675-85; < L agglomeratus (ptp. of agglomerare), equiv. to ag- AG- + glomer- (s. of glomus ball of yarn) + -atus -ATE1]
Syn. 1. assemble, amass, accumulate.
Ant. 1. disperse, scatter.

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Large, coarse, angular rock fragments associated with lava flow that are ejected during explosive volcanic eruptions.

Although they may appear to resemble sedimentary conglomerates, agglomerates are igneous rocks that consist almost wholly of angular or rounded lava fragments of varying size and shape. Some geologists sort agglomerates into bombs, blocks, and breccia. Bombs are ejected in a molten state, becoming rounded upon solidification, and blocks are erupted as solid fragments. Upon accumulation and solidification of the angular fragments (also known as pyroclastics), they form agglomerates.

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 large, coarse, rock fragments associated with lava flow that are ejected during explosive volcanic eruptions. Although they closely resemble sedimentary conglomerates, agglomerates are pyroclastic igneous rocks that consist almost wholly of angular or rounded lava fragments of varying size and shape. Fragments are usually poorly sorted in a tuffaceous matrix, or appear in lithified volcanic dust or ash.

      Depending on the specific context, some geologists prefer to sort agglomerates into either bombs (bomb), blocks, or breccia. Bombs and blocks are generally larger than 32 mm (1.25 inches) in size; although bombs are ejected in a molten state (becoming rounded upon solidification), blocks are erupted as solid angular or subangular fragments. Upon accumulation, blocks form breccia, which are solid angular fragments larger than 64 mm.

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