
/brech"ee euh, bresh"-/, n. Petrol.
rock composed of angular fragments of older rocks melded together.
[1765-75; < It < Gmc; cf. OHG brecha breaking]

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Coarse sedimentary rock consisting of angular or nearly angular fragments larger than 0.

08 in. (2 mm). Breccia commonly results from processes such as landslides or geologic faulting, in which rocks are fractured. It can also be of igneous explosive origin (e.g., a volcanic breccia).

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 lithified sedimentary rock consisting of angular or subangular fragments larger than 2 millimetres (0.08 inch). It differs from a conglomerate, which consists of rounded clasts.

      A brief treatment of breccias follows. For full treatment, see sedimentary rock: Conglomerates and breccias (sedimentary rock).

      There are three categories of breccia: sedimentary, pyroclastic or igneous, and cataclastic. The constituent fragments may be of one lithology such as a rock fractured in position, or of many lithologies suggesting accumulation from preexisting rocks. Void spaces between these clasts may be filled with a cementing material of carbonate, silica, or silt.

      In one class of breccia, clast material, breccia formation, and cement are all closely related in time. Typically these occur because of a volume change of sedimentary material and the subsequent redeposition of the same material to fill voids. Several examples are (1) volume loss during dolomitization, causing self-brecciation; (2) selective solution such as limestone formations, resulting in the collapse of weakened structures; and (3) mudcracks forming because of a loss of water and cemented by mud in the next wet cycle. All of these examples result in clasts of one lithology.

      A second class of breccia has clasts that are not related to their cement and do not form in place. Examples of such include (1) submarine landslides in regions of active faulting; (2) subaerial landslides, talus, and mudflows common in certain regions; and (3) limestone pebble breccias that result from wave action and downward movement on flanks of reefs yielding clasts of coral and limestone. These examples are characterized by lateral transport with gravity as the driving force and clasts that may be mixtures of several rock types.

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