Congress of Racial Equality

Congress of Racial Equality
(abbr CORE)
a US organization that supports equal rights for African Americans by peaceful actions. It was established in 1942 in Chicago by James Farmer. It became well known in the 1960s for encouraging African Americans to vote and for leading freedom riders into the southern states.

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American organization
      interracial American organization established by James Farmer (Farmer, James) in 1942 to improve race relations and end discriminatory policies through direct-action projects. Farmer had been working as the race-relations secretary for the American branch of the pacifist group Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) but resigned over a dispute in policy; he founded CORE as a vehicle for the nonviolent approach to combating racial prejudice that was inspired by Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi (Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand).

      CORE's activities began with a sit-in at a coffee shop in Chicago in 1942 for the purpose of protesting segregation in public settings. The event was one of the first such demonstrations in the United States and identified CORE as an influential force in the subsequent desegregation of public facilities in Northern cities. After Southern states ignored the U.S. Supreme Court's 1946 decision regarding the unconstitutionality of segregated seating on interstate buses, CORE and FOR launched the first Freedom Ride (Freedom Rides), an interracial peaceful protest.

      In the late 1950s CORE turned its attention to the South, challenging public segregation and launching voter registration drives for African Americans. It became one of the leading organizations of the civil rights movement in the early 1960s by organizing activist campaigns that tested segregation laws in the South. From this era, the Freedom Rides of 1961 and the Freedom Summer project of 1964 endure as CORE's most memorable contribution to the civil rights struggle. The group's efforts became all the more dramatic when its nonviolent demonstrations were met by vicious responses from whites. CORE volunteers were assaulted, teargassed, and jailed, and some demonstrators were killed. Farmer himself survived a Ku Klux Klan murder plot and once escaped Louisiana state troopers by hiding inside a coffin housed in a hearse. His leadership contributed to the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

      By the beginning of the 21st century, CORE's program emphases included worker training and equal employment opportunity, crime victim assistance, and community-oriented crisis intervention. The organization maintains its headquarters in New York City.

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  • Congress of Racial Equality — Le Congress of Racial Equality (littéralement « Congrès pour l égalité des races ») ou CORE est une organisation américaine de lutte pour les droits civiques créée en 1942 à Chicago. Elle a joué un rôle majeur dans le mouvement afro… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • (the) Congress of Racial Equality — the Congress of Racial Equality [the Congress of Racial Equality] (abbr CORE) a US organization supporting equal rights for ↑African Americans by peaceful actions. It was established in 1942 in ↑Chicago by James Farmer. It became well known …   Useful english dictionary

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