zebra fish

zebra fish
any of various fishes with barred, zebralike markings; often, specif., a danio (Danio rerio) that is kept in aquariums and used in genetic research

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Any member of two unrelated groups of fishes: freshwater species in the genus Brachydanio (family Cyprinidae) and saltwater species in the genus Pterois (family Scorpaenidae).

The zebra danio (Brachydanio rerio), a popular freshwater aquarium fish originally from Asia, grows to about 1.5 in. (4 cm) long and has dark blue and silvery longitudinal stripes. The distinctive saltwater zebra fishes (Pterois), used in marine aquariums, have extremely large pectoral fins, numerous extremely poisonous spines, and colourful vertical stripes. Some species are more commonly known as lionfish and turkeyfish.

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fish group
      any member of either of two unrelated groups of fishes, the freshwater species in the genus Brachydanio (family Cyprinidae; order Cypriniformes) and the saltwater species in the genus Pterois (family Scorpaenidae; order Scorpaeniformes). The zebra danio (B. rerio), a popular freshwater aquarium fish originally from Asia, is small (up to about 4 cm [1.5 inches] long) and has dark-blue and silvery longitudinal stripes.

      The distinctive saltwater zebra fishes (Pterois), used in marine aquariums, have extremely large pectoral fins, numerous extremely poisonous spines, and colourful vertical stripes. Some species are more commonly known by the names lion-fish (q.v.) and turkeyfish.

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