second line

second line
from the impromptu percussive rhythms of the row of mourners behind the band in a New Orleans funeral procession
a jaunty, syncopated rhythm in 2/4 time, often used in the rhythm and blues and jazz of New Orleans

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  • Second line — is a tradition in brass band parades in New Orleans, Louisiana. The term is also used for an associated traditional dance style. Music is an important part of most public events in traditional New Orleans culture. Processions with music include… …   Wikipedia

  • second line — or second line 1. the marchers who come after the musicians in a traditional New Orleans parade or funeral procession and join in as joyful, dancing celebrants. 2. a syncopated rhythmic figure, originating in New Orleans jazz music: »When a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • second-line — or second line 1. the marchers who come after the musicians in a traditional New Orleans parade or funeral procession and join in as joyful, dancing celebrants. 2. a syncopated rhythmic figure, originating in New Orleans jazz music: »When a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Second Line — ist: Second Line (Parade), ein traditioneller Blaskapellenumzug aus New Orleans Robert Kermit Red Star Line, eine Schifffahrtslinie Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort be …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • second line — ☆ second line n. [from the impromptu percussive rhythms of the row of mourners behind the band in a New Orleans funeral procession] a jaunty, syncopated rhythm in 2/4 time, often used in the rhythm and blues and jazz of New Orleans …   English World dictionary

  • second-line — adjective Date: 1991 not being the usual or preferred choice < second line drugs to treat tuberculosis > compare first line …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Second Line — Se|cond Line [ sɛkənd laɪn], die; [engl. second line = zweite Reihe]: 1. (früher) Schar von kleinen Jungen u. Halbwüchsigen, die hinter den Straßenkapellen in New Orleans herzieht. 2. Nachwuchskräfte im Jazz …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Second Line — Se|cond Line [ sɛkənd lain] die; <aus gleichbed. engl. second line, eigtl. »zweite Reihe«>: 1. (früher) Schar von kleinen Jungen u. Halbwüchsigen, die früher hinter den Straßenkapellen in New Orleans herzog. 2. Nachwuchskräfte im Jazz …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • Second Line West (Mississauga) — Second Line West is currently the name of two residential streets in Mississauga, one from immediately north of Highway 407 north to Chinguacousy Road and one from immediately north of Bancroft Drive to Old Derry Road.In the 1990s, the once… …   Wikipedia

  • Second Line (Parade) — Eine Second Line Parade während Mardi Gras Second Line ist eine Tradition von den Blaskapellenparaden in New Orleans, Louisiana. Als „Main Line“ wird der Hauptteil der Parade bezeichnet, in der die Musiker spielen. Diejenigen, die der Band folgen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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