- pyorrhea alveolaris
pyorrhea alveolaris [al vē΄ə ler′is]n.a chronic periodontitis of the gums and tooth sockets, characterized by the formation of pus and, usually, by loosening of the teeth
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
pyorrhea alveolaris — [al vē΄ə ler′is] n. [see ALVEOLUS] a chronic periodontitis of the gums and tooth sockets, characterized by the formation of pus and, usually, by loosening of the teeth … English World dictionary
pyorrhea alveolaris — pyorrhea al·ve·o·lar·is .al vē ə lar əs n PYORRHEA (2) * * * marginal periodontitis … Medical dictionary
pyorrhea alveolaris — noun chronic periodontitis; purulent inflammation of the teeth sockets • Syn: ↑pyorrhea, ↑pyorrhoea, ↑Riggs disease • Hypernyms: ↑periodontal disease, ↑periodontitis • Hyponyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
pyorrhea — or pyorrhoea [pī΄ə rē′ə] n. [ModL: see PYO & RRHEA] 1. a discharge of pus 2. short for PYORRHEA ALVEOLARIS pyorrheal adj. pyorrhoeal … English World dictionary
alveolaris — see PYORRHEA ALVEOLARIS … Medical dictionary
pyorrhea — Synonyms and related words: adenoiditis, adrenitis, appendicitis, arteritis, arthritis deformans, arthritis fungosa, arthritis pauperum, atrophic arthritis, atrophic inflammation, blennorrhagic arthritis, brain fever, bronchitis, bunion, bursitis … Moby Thesaurus
pyorrhea — pyorrheal, pyorrheic, adj. /puy euh ree euh/, n. 1. Pathol. a discharge of pus. 2. Also called pyorrhea alveolaris /al vee euh lar is/, Riggs disease. Dentistry. a chronic form of periodontitis occurring in various degrees of severity,… … Universalium
pyorrhea — Broadly, any discharge of pus, but usually referring to periodontitis or Pyorrhea alveolaris, with inflammatory and degenerative conditions in the gums, jaw bone and cementum. There may be alveolar bone resorption, teeth loss and receding gums … Herbal-medical glossary
pyorrhea — noun 1. discharge of pus • Syn: ↑pyorrhoea • Hypernyms: ↑pathology 2. chronic periodontitis; purulent inflammation of the teeth sockets • Syn: ↑pyorrhoea, ↑pyorrhea alveolaris, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Riggs' disease — rigz n PYORRHEA (2) Riggs John Mankey (1810 1885) American dentist. Riggs is remembered for his description and treatment of the advanced form of periodontal disease known as pyorrhea or pyorrhea alveolaris. His method of treatment consisted of… … Medical dictionary