
philadelphus [fil΄ə delfəs]
ModL < Gr philadelphon, mock orange < philadelphos, loving one's brother < philein, to love + adelphos, brother: see MONADELPHOUS

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plant genus
      genus of deciduous shrubs of the family Hydrangeaceae, including the popular garden forms commonly known as mock orange (from its characteristic orange-blossom fragrance) and sweet syringa. Philadelphus, comprising about 65 species, is native to northern Asia and Japan, the western United States, the southern Atlantic coast of the United States, and Mexico. These decorative and fragrant shrubs bloom in the late spring and grow unusually well in dry soils.

      Various species of Philadelphus have opposite entire or toothed leaves, a solid, white pith, and often a flaky bark. The flowers are showy and usually white-petaled, with clumps of bright yellow stamens. Some species are not more than 1.2 m (4 feet) high, while others may attain a height of 4.6 m (15 feet).

      The very fragrant common mock orange, P. coronarius, is a shrub up to 3 m (10 feet) high with clusters of creamy-white flowers; certain varieties, however, may possess golden flowers. P. microphyllus, a smaller shrub, has solitary 2.5-centimetre- (1-inch-) wide flowers with a pineapple scent. P. lemoinei, a hybrid of P. coronarius and P. microphyllus, has given rise to a number of horticultural varieties with large and fragrant flowers.

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Universalium. 2010.

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