Maurice of Nassau

Maurice of Nassau
Prince of Orange 1567-1625; Du. statesman & military leader

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Dutch in full Maurits, prince van Oranje, count van Nassau

born Nov. 13, 1567, Dillenburg, Nassau
died April 23, 1625, The Hague

Dutch general and statesman.

The son of William I (the Silent), he was invested in 1585 as stadtholder (chief executive) of the northern provinces of the Netherlands. With political direction from Johan van Oldenbarnevelt, Maurice consolidated the power of the provinces against Spain and made them trade and shipping centres. He used military planning and siege warfare to defeat Spanish forces in the north and east but failed to take the southern Netherlands and was forced to conclude a truce with Spain in 1609. His development of military strategy and tactics made the Dutch army the most modern in Europe. In 1618 he consolidated his political power after removing Oldenbarnevelt from office, and as prince of Orange, count of Nassau, he became effectively king of the Netherlands.

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