
Lod [lōd]
city in central Israel: pop. 41,000

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also called  Lydda,  

      city, central Israel, on the Plain of Sharon southeast of Tel AvivYafo. Of ancient origin, it is mentioned several times in the Bible: in a New Testament account (Acts 9:32), the apostle Peter healed the paralytic at Lod. The city was a well-known centre of Jewish scholars and merchants from the 5th century BC until the Roman conquest in AD 70. It was the Roman colony of Diospolis after AD 200 and the traditional site of the martyrdom of St. George, patron saint of England; the alleged tomb of the legendary saint is still shown. An important city after the Arab conquest of Palestine in the 7th century AD, it was held (10991191) by the crusaders, who named it St. Jorge de Lidde.

      In modern times, Lod was part of the territory allocated to the potential Arab state in Palestine according to the United Nations partition resolution of Nov. 29, 1947. When the resolution was rejected by the Arab states, Lod was occupied by the invading Arab Legion of Jordan. The Israel Defense Forces attacked and captured the city on July 12, 1948; since then it has been part of Israel and has been largely resettled with Jewish immigrants, who now make up about four-fifths of the population.

      Lod is a major Israeli transportation hub, with an important railway and road junction, but principally because of David Ben-Gurion International AirportIsrael's only terminus for overseas flightslocated 5 miles (8 km) north. There, one of Israel's largest industries is locatedservicing and repairing civilian aircraft of many nationalities and building commercial and military jet aircraft. Lod also manufactures paper and cardboard, food preserves, and electrical appliances. Inc. 1949. Pop. (2006 est.) 66,800.

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