livery company

livery company
any of the London city companies that grew out of earlier trade guilds, characterized by distinctive ceremonial dress

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any of the ancient City of London guilds (= associations of business people or skilled workers), each with their own special livery (= uniforms). Guilds of traders selling the same goods or services were once very powerful in London, and modern livery companies are descended from them. There are over a hundred of them, including the Grocers, the Drapers, the Fishmongers and the Goldsmiths. Members of each company meet together for social occasions and for charity work.
See also Guildhall.

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      any of various craft or trade associations of the City of London, Eng., most of which are descended from medieval guilds. Certain grades of members are privileged to wear a speciallivery,” or distinctive clothing in the form of a fur-trimmed gown.

      In the late 20th century there were more than 80 livery companies. Most were incorporated by royal charter between the 14th and the 17th century, but the Weavers gained a charter as early as the 12th century; and such companies as the Master Mariners, the Solicitors, the Farmers, the Air Pilots & Air Navigators, the Furniture Makers, and the Scientific Instrument Makers have come into existence since 1925. The incorporation in 1960 of the Tobacco Pipe Makers & Tobacco Blenders was a revival of a former company that fell into desuetude in the 19th century. The companies vary a great deal in detail, and the range of their wealth and influence is wide. Nearly every one of the companies once controlled the craft or trade indicated by its name; most were concerned with skilled crafts such as the Goldsmiths and the Carpenters, while several dealt with victualing trades, as, for example, the Bakers and the Vintners. Most of the companies have now lost control over their trades; but the Fishmongers still possess powers of search and inspection in Billingsgate fish market, the Goldsmiths continue tohallmarkgold and silver, and the Gunmakers stillproofsmall arms.

      Most of the companies are governed by a small self-appointing body known as a court of assistants presided over by a master (or prime warden) and wardens. Few of the companies restrict their membership to persons following the particular calling represented by the company's name, but the Apothecaries' society confines its senior membership to medical men, the Brewers' company is limited to the brewing trade, and the Solicitors, Master Mariners, and Air Pilots admit only persons qualified in those specialties. By the custom of London, admission to the basic grade of membership of a companyknown as the freedom of the companyis by patrimony, servitude (apprenticeship to a freeman of the company), or redemption (purchase). An order of precedence was settled by the court of aldermen in Henry VIII's reign in the 16th century, and the firsttwelve greatcompanies are the Mercers, Grocers, Drapers, Fishmongers, Goldsmiths, Skinners, Merchant Taylors, Haberdashers, Salters, Ironmongers, Vintners, and Clothworkers.

      At the zenith of their power in the Middle Ages, the guilds controlled their members by the exercise of powers conferred by charter or ordinancespowers, that is, to regulate apprenticeship and conditions of employment, to examine workmanship and destroy defective goods, and to enforce rules by fines and penalties. The ultimate sanction was that only those free of the City of London could ply their trade, and the freedom of the city was obtainable only through membership of a guild.

      Changing economic and political conditions from the 16th century onward resulted in a gradual but steady loss of power and influence. Repeated attempts to adapt the constitution and powers of the medieval guild to the new pattern of society failed; friction began to develop between the governing bodies of the livery companies and the growing ranks of artisans who resented the restrictions inherent in the apprenticeship system. By about 1787 most of the companies finally abandoned any pretense of controlling their respective trades. However, at the close of the 19th century there was a widespread movement on the part of the livery companies to revive interest in their respective crafts and trades and to devote corporate funds, where these existed, to charity and technical education in various schools and university colleges. Benevolence and the relief of distress were always a principal concern of the old guilds, and the livery companies of today continue this tradition.

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Universalium. 2010.

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