
jogging [jäg]
the practice of trotting at a slow, steady pace for some distance as a form of exercise

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Aerobic exercise involving running at an easy pace.

Jogging (1967) by Bill Bowerman and W.E. Harris boosted jogging's popularity for fitness, weight loss, and stress relief. Many medical authorities endorse jogging, but others warn of risks to feet, shins, knees, and backs. Jogging only every other day, warming up properly, and using well-designed shoes and proper technique can reduce risks.

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      form of running at an easy pace, particularly popular from the 1960s in the United States. There, an estimated 7,000,000 to 10,000,000 joggers sought fitness, weight loss, grace, physical fulfillment, and relief from stress by jogging. Joggers expend from 10 to 13 calories per minute in this exercise (compared with approximately 7 to 9 calories per minute for tennis).

      The popularity of this activity was given substantial impetus by the publication of the book Jogging (1967) by Bill Bowerman, a University of Oregon track coach, and W.E. Harris, a heart specialist. The practice of jogging originated in New Zealand when an Olympic track coach, one Dr. Lydiard, suggested it as a conditioning activity for retired Olympic runners; Bowerman observed the activity there and was impressed.

      Jogging has been endorsed by many medical authorities for its value as a heart exercise and for general physical conditioning, usually to be practiced on alternate days. Other medical authorities, however, warn that fallen arches, shin splints, sweat miliaria, strained Achilles tendons, bruised heels, and knee and back ailments can result from joggingusually done on hard surfaces with the feet striking the ground from 600 to 750 times per mile. Warm-up exercises before jogging, properly designed shoes, loose clothing, proper jogging technique, and general good healthas well as sensible objectivesare necessary for safe pursuit of the activity. The U.S. National Jogging Association was formed in 1968 to promote the pastime.

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Universalium. 2010.

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