hatha yoga

hatha yoga
hatha yoga [hathə]
YOGA (sense 1)

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SanskritDiscipline of Force

      school of Yoga that stresses mastery of the body as a way of attaining a state of spiritual perfection in which the mind is withdrawn from external objects. Hatha Yoga traces its origins especially to Gorakhnath, the legendary 11th-century founder of the Kanphata Yogi (Kānphaṭa Yogi)s, but it grew out of yogic traditions dating back at least as far as Patanjali (Patañjali) (2nd century BCE or 5th century CE), author of the Hindu (Hinduism) classics the Yoga-sutras and the Mahabhasya (“Great Commentary”).

 Hatha Yoga places great importance on diet, purificatory processes, regulation of breathing (Pranayama (prāṇāyāma)), and the adoption of bodily postures called asanas, which structure a program of physical exertion. A common asana is the padmasana (“lotus posture”), in which the crossed feet rest on the opposite thighs. This is the position in which many Hindu and Buddhist (Buddhism) gods are often depicted, but it is only one of dozens described in Hatha Yoga treatises. Thesalute to the sunis a well-known sequence of 12 asanas performed in a fluid movement.

      Hatha Yoga has grown in popularity in the West as a form of exercise that develops strength, flexibility, bodily relaxation, and mental concentration. Its true object, however, is to awaken the dormant energy (shakti) of Shiva that animates the subtle body but is concealed behind the gross human frame. The subtle anatomy containing it is usually described as a series of lotiform chakras (“wheels”) rising from the anal or genital area to the top of the head. Through the forceful suppression of physical and mental activity, the female shakti is enabled to rise along the chakras and unite with the male Shiva in the uppermost chakra, a union indistinguishable from enlightenment and even immortality.

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