
Edmund or Edmond [edmənd]
OE Eadmund < ead (see EDGAR1) + mund, hand, protection: see MANUAL
a masculine name: dim. Ed, Ned

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a king of East Anglia, a region of eastern England, who was killed fighting the Danes. It was known all over Europe that he was very holy, and his shrine at Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk was famous.

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(as used in expressions)
Andros Sir Edmund
Burke Edmund
Cartwright Edmund
Cockburn Sir Alexander James Edmund 10th Baronet
Dewey Thomas Edmund
Gosse Sir Edmund
Hillary Sir Edmund Percival
Husserl Edmund
Kean Edmund
Martinson Harry Edmund
Power Tyrone Edmund
Randolph Edmund Jennings
Ruffin Edmund
Spenser Edmund
Waller Edmund
Wilson Edmund
Wilson Edmund Beecher
Allenby of Megiddo and of Felixstowe Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby 1st Viscount

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king of East Anglia
byname  Saint Edmund the Martyr  
born 841/842
died Nov. 20, 869, feast day November 20

      king of East Anglia (from 855).

      Of his life little is known. In the year 869 the Danes, who had been wintering at York, marched through Mercia into East Anglia and took up their quarters at Thetford. Edmund engaged them fiercely in battle, but the Danes under their leaders Ubba and Inguar were victorious and remained in possession of the field of battle. The king himself was slain, whether on the actual field of battle or in later martyrdom is not certain, but the widely current version of the story which makes him fall a martyr to the Danish arrows when he had refused to renounce his faith or hold his kingdom as a vassal from the heathen overlords must have arisen early, for the St. Edmund pennies afford evidence of his cult by c. 890910. He was ultimately buried at Beadoricesworth (now Bury St. Edmund's, West Suffolk), where his shrine became famous. Later, fictitious versions make him a Continental Saxon, born at Nürnberg and adopted by Offa, king of East Anglia, when on his way to Rome. They also invent names for his parents, Alkmund and Scivare.

Additional Reading
Thomas Arnold (ed.), Memorials of St. Edmund's Abbey, vol. 1 (1890, reprinted 1965), contains Abbon of Fleury's Passio Sancti Eadmundi; Lord Francis Hervey (ed.), The History of King Eadmund the Martyr and of the Early Years of His Abbey (1929), contains both text and translation.

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