- Dunkers
pl.n.a sect of German-American Baptists opposed to military service and the taking of oaths: also called Dunkards [duŋ′kərdz]: officially called Church of the Brethren
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Dunkers — [englisch dʌȖkəz; zu deutsch tunken], Tụnkers, auch German Baptists [englisch dʒəːmən bæptɪsts], eine 1708 in Schwarzenau (Edertal) von dem bibelkundigen Bauern Alexander Mack (* 1679, ✝ 1735) gegründete pietistische Gemeinschaft. Zunächst aus … Universal-Lexikon
Dunkers — • A Protestant sect thus named from its distinctive baptismal rite Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 … Catholic encyclopedia
Dunkers — ☆ Dunkers [duŋ′kərdzduŋ′kərz ] pl.n. [Ger tunker, dipper < tunken (see DUNK): so named from practice of immersion] a sect of German American Baptists opposed to military service and the taking of oaths: also called Dunkards [duŋ′kərdz]:… … English World dictionary
DUNKERS — a sect of Quakerist Baptists in the United States … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Dunkers — n. member of the German Church of the Brethren (founded in Germany in 1708 and later reorganized in the United States); member of the German American group (German Baptist Brethren) who practice baptism by total immersion and oppose military… … English contemporary dictionary
dunkers — n. person who dips food into a liquid before eating it; basketball player who is capable of making dunk shots; adherent of Baptistic beliefs who practices baptism by total immersion … English contemporary dictionary
Dunkers — Данкеры … Вестминстерский словарь теологических терминов
Dunkers — noun a Baptist denomination founded in 1708 by Americans of German descent; opposed to military service and taking legal oaths; practiced trine immersion • Syn: ↑Church of the Brethren, ↑Dippers • Hypernyms: ↑Baptist denomination • Member… … Useful english dictionary
Crazy dunkers — signifie les Dunkers fous. Les Crazy Dunkers sont le Team Numéro 1 de Basket acrobatique du monde. Ce team français a acquis une renommée internationale par sa présence sur des événements majeurs à l’échelle mondiale tels que les Jeux Olympiques… … Wikipédia en Français
Church of God (New Dunkers) — For other uses, see Church of God (disambiguation). Part of a series on the Schwarzenau Brethren (the German Baptists or Dunkers) … Wikipedia