Corpus Juris Canonici

Corpus Juris Canonici
Corpus Juris Canonici [kə nän′ə sī΄]
ML, body of canon law
the body of laws governing the Roman Catholic Church up to 1918: superseded by the CODEX JURIS CANONICI

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English  Corpus of Canon Law 

      set of six compilations of law in the Roman Catholic Church that provided the chief source of ecclesiastical legislation from the Middle Ages until it was superseded in 1917 by the Codex Juris Canonici (Code of Canon Law). The Corpus included four official collections: the Decretum Gratiani (“Decree of Gratian”), written between 1141 and 1150; the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX (1234); the Liber Sextus (“Book Six”) of Pope Boniface VIII (1298); and the Clementinae of Pope Clement V (1317); and two private collections: the Extravagantes of Pope John XXII (1325) and the Extravagantes communes (“Decretals Commonly Circulating”)—the decretals, or replies of the pope to particular questions of church discipline, from Pope Boniface VIII to Pope Sixtus IV—both of which were compiled at the beginning of the 16th century by Jean Chappuis, a canonist at the University of Paris. The title Corpus Juris Canonici was first applied to the six collections by Pope Gregory XIII in the document Cum pro munere (1580), which approved an edition of the works as textually authentic.

      While these collections did not form a closed body of ecclesiastical law prohibiting any new laws from being added, no new official collections of church law were promulgated between the Clementinae and the Council of Trent (Trent, Council of) (1545–63). The bishops at the Council of Trent requested new critical editions of Sacred Scripture, of liturgical books, and of the Corpus Juris Canonici. In response to this request, a commission of cardinals and canonists prepared a scientific critical edition of the Corpus between 1560 and 1582, the year in which Gregory XIII issued the revised text of the Corpus and ordered its use in schools of canon law and in church courts. It remained the preponderant influence in Roman Catholic Church law until 1917, when the Code of Canon Law was adopted.

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Universalium. 2010.

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