
Castellón [kas΄təl yōndā΄ plänä΄käs΄təl yō̂n′]
seaport in E Spain, on the Mediterranean: pop. 133,000: in full Castellón de la Plana [kas΄təl yōndā΄ plänä΄]

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Valencian  Castelló 

      provincia (province) in the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of Valencia, eastern Spain, and northernmost of the three provinces corresponding to the ancient kingdom of Valencia. Castellón comprises three distinct regions: the inhospitable Maestrazgo in the mountainous northwest, the Míjares and Palancia river valleys, separated by the Sierra de Espadán, and the Mediterranean coastal plains. Lumbering, livestock (pigs, poultry, and sheep) raising, and agriculture (olives and oranges in the valleys and almonds, figs, and pomegranates along the coast) constitute the principal economic activities of the province. Light industry (textiles, sandals, and ceramic tiles) is concentrated in the provincial capital, Castellón de la Plana, and in the towns of Onda, Alcora, Villarreal, and La Val de Uixó. Fisheries are based on the ports of Burriana, Vinaroz, and Benicarló. Tourism is centred on the Mediterranean beaches of the Costa del Azahar. Area 2,561 square miles (6,632 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 573,282.

Vicente Rodriguez

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Universalium. 2010.

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