antiballistic missile
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antiballistic missile — [an΄tībə lis′tik] n. a missile intended to intercept and destroy a ballistic missile in flight: see GUIDED MISSILE … English World dictionary
antiballistic missile missile — Missile Mis sile, n. [L. missile.] 1. A weapon thrown or projected or intended to be projected, as a lance, an arrow, or a bullet. [1913 Webster] 2. A rocket propelled device designed to fly through the air and deliver a warhead of explosive… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Antiballistic Missile System — [ æntɪbə lɪstɪk mɪsɪl sɪstɪm, englisch], ABM System … Universal-Lexikon
antiballistic missile (ABM) — Weapon designed to intercept and destroy ballistic missiles. Effective ABM systems have been sought since the Cold War, when the nuclear arms race raised the spectre of complete destruction by unstoppable ballistic missiles. In the late 1960s… … Universalium
antiballistic missile — noun a defensive missile designed to shoot down incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks placed limits on the deployment of ABMs • Syn: ↑ABM • Hypernyms: ↑guided missile … Useful english dictionary
antiballistic missile — noun Date: circa 1959 a missile for intercepting and destroying ballistic missiles … New Collegiate Dictionary
antiballistic missile — /ˌæntibəlɪstɪk ˈmɪsaɪl/ (say .anteebuhlistik misuyl) noun a missile designed to intercept and destroy ballistic missiles …
Antiballistic Missile Treaty — an agreement between the U.S. and U.S.S.R., signed May 26, 1972, limiting the number of ABM deployment areas, launchers, and interceptors. * * * … Universalium
Antiballistic Missile Treaty — an agreement between the U.S. and U.S.S.R., signed May 26, 1972, limiting the number of ABM deployment areas, launchers, and interceptors … Useful english dictionary
Missile — Mis sile, n. [L. missile.] 1. A weapon thrown or projected or intended to be projected, as a lance, an arrow, or a bullet. [1913 Webster] 2. A rocket propelled device designed to fly through the air and deliver a warhead of explosive materials to … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English