
Veneto [ tō΄, venətō]
region of N Italy, on the Adriatic: 7,080 sq mi (18,337 sq km); pop. 4,381,000; chief city, Venice

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Ve·ne·to (vĕnʹĕ-')
A region of northeast Italy bordering on the Adriatic Sea, roughly coextensive with the historical region of Venetia.

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Region (pop., 2001 prelim.: 4,490,586), northern Italy.

It covers an area of 7,090 sq mi (18,364 sq km); its capital is Venice. Bordered by Austria, the Adriatic Sea, and Lake Garda, the northern part is mountainous, while the southern part consists of a fertile plain. Parts were under Roman rule с 2nd1st centuries BC (see Padua and Verona) and later were subject to the Lombards. In the Middle Ages, several city-states gained importance, but most subsequently were subject to Venice. The area began to slip from Venetian hold after the French Revolution, and in the early 19th century Veneto came under Austrian rule. It was returned and joined to Italy in the 1860s. Agriculture is an economic mainstay, and industrial works are found around Veneto's major cities.

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administrative region, Italy
also called  Venezia Euganea 
 regione, northern and northeastern Italy, comprising the provincie of Venezia, Padova, Rovigo, Verona, Vicenza, Treviso, and Belluno. It is bounded by TrentinoAlto Adige (north), Emilia-Romagna (south), Lombardia ( Lombardy; west), Austria (northeast), and FriuliVenezia Giulia and the Adriatic Sea (east). The northern limit of Veneto is marked by a mountainous area, including the Dolomites, between Lake Garda (southwest) and the Carnic Alps to the northeast. The southern part consists of a fertile plain extending to the Gulf of Venice and drained chiefly by the Po, Adige, Brenta, Piave, and Livenza rivers, the mouths of which form an extensive delta area with shore lagoons.

      Veneto is a chief producer of corn (maize), wheat, sugar beets, and hemp. Dairy-cattle fodder and fruit (apples, pears, peaches, cherries), and wine grapes are also grown. There is much irrigation, and considerable land has been reclaimed, especially in the Po River delta. After World War II, large estates were expropriated for distribution to smallholders. The region uses hydroelectric power from the swift streams of the Alpine area.

      The larger towns of the plain have textile, silk, lace, hemp, paper, founding, and shipbuilding industries, as well as sugar refining and food processing. Besides Venice, the capital, the principal cities are Verona, Rovigo, Padua, Vicenza, Treviso, and Valdagno. The regione has a dense road and rail network and is connected by motorway to Milan and Turin. Venice is connected to the mainland by a road bridge and rail bridge. Area 7,090 square miles (18,364 square km). Pop. (2006 est.) 4,738,313.

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