Classification of fruits

Classification of fruits

Classification of fruits
major types one carpel two or more carpels
dry dehiscent follicleat maturity, the carpel splits down one side, usually the ventral suture; milkweed, columbine, peony, larkspur, marsh marigold capsulefrom compound ovary, seeds shed in various wayse.g., through holes (Papaverpoppies) or longitudinal slits (California poppy) or by means of a lid (pimpernel); flower axis participates in Iris; snapdragons, violets, lilies, and many plant families
legumedehisces along both dorsal and ventral sutures, forming two valves; most members of the pea family siliquefrom bicarpellate, compound, superior ovary; pericarp separates as two halves, leaving persistent central septum with seed or seeds attached; dollar plant, mustard, cabbage, rock cress, wall flower
siliclea short silique; shepherd's purse, pepper grass
dry indehiscent peanut fruit—(nontypical legume) nutlike the achene (see below); derived from 2 or more carpels, pericarp hard or stony; hazelnut, acorn, chestnut, basswood
lomentuma legume fragmentizing transversely into single-seeded "mericarps"; sensitive plant (Mimosa) schizocarpcollectively, the product of a compound ovary fragmentizing at maturity into a number of one-seeded "mericarps"; maple, mallows, members of the mint family (Lamiaceae or Labiatae), geraniums, carrots, dills, fennels
achenesmall, single-seeded fruit, pericarp relatively thin; seed free in cavity except for its funicular attachment; buttercup, anemones, buckwheat, crowfoot, water plantain
cypselaachenelike, but from inferior, compound ovary; members of the aster family (Asteraceae or Compositae), sunflowers
samaraa winged achene; elm, ash, tree-of-heaven, wafer ash
caryopsisachenelike; from compound ovary; seed coat fused with pericarp; grass family (Poaceae or Graminae)
fleshy (pericarp partly or wholly fleshy or fibrous) drupemesocarp fleshy, endocarp hard and stony; usually single-seeded; plum, peach, almond, cherry, olive, coconut
berryboth mesocarp and endocarp fleshy; one-seeded: nutmeg, date; one carpel, several seeds: baneberry, may apple, barberry, Oregon grape; more carpels, several seeds: grape, tomato, potato, asparagus
pepoberry with hard rind; squash, cucumber, pumpkin, watermelon
hesperidiumberry with leathery rind; orange, grapefruit, lemon
major types two or more carpels of the same flower plus stem axis or floral tube carpels from several flowers plus stem axis or floral tube plus accessory parts
fleshy (pericarp partly or wholly fleshy or fibrous) pomeaccessory fruit from compound, inferior ovary; only central part of fruit represents pericarp, with fleshy exocarp and mesocarp and cartilaginous or stony endocarp ("core"); apple, pear, quince, hawthorn, mountain ash multiple fruitsfig (a "syconium"), mulberry, osage orange, pineapple, flowering dogwood
inferior berryblueberry
aggregate fleshy fruitsstrawberry (achenes borne on fleshy receptacle); blackberry, raspberry (collection of drupelets); magnolia
See as table:

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Universalium. 2010.

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