
/pim"peuhr nel', -nl/, n.
a plant belonging to the genus Anagallis, of the primrose family, esp. A. arvensis (scarlet pimpernel), having scarlet or white flowers that close at the approach of bad weather.
[1400-50; late ME pympernele < MF pimprenelle, nasalized var. of OF piprenelle < LL *piperinella, equiv. to piper PEPPER + -in- -INE1 + -ella dim. suffix; r. OE pipeneale < LL pipinella, syncopated var. of *piperinella]

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      (genus Anagallis), any of several plants of the primrose family (Primulaceae), consisting of about 30 species of low herbs mostly native to western Europe.

      Most species are prostrate in habit. The plant has leaves that are opposite or in whorls and small, solitary flowers that are short-stalked and bell-shaped or almost flat. The five-lobed corolla is red, pink, or blue.

      The scarlet pimpernel (A. arvensis), also called poor-man's weatherglass, is an annual native to Europe but is naturalized elsewhere, including North America. It grows 6 to 30 cm (2.4 to 12 inches) tall and has red or blue flowers.

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  • Pimpernel — Pim per*nel, n. [F. pimprenelle; cf. Sp. pimpinela, It. pimpinella; perh. from LL. bipinnella, for bipinnula two winged, equiv. to L. bipennis; bis twice + penna feather, wing. Cf. {Pen} a feather.] (Bot.) A plant of the genus {Anagallis}, of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pimpernel — (n.) c.1400, from O.Fr. pimprenelle, earlier piprenelle (12c.), from M.L. pipinella a medicinal plant, perhaps from *piperinus pepper like (so called because its fruits resemble peppercorns), a derivative of L. piper pepper (see PEPPER (Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • pimpernel — [pim′pər nel΄, pim′pərnəl] n. [ME pympernelle < OFr piprenelle < LL pimpinella, an herb with medicinal uses, prob. altered < * piperinella, ult. < L piper,PEPPER: its fruit resembles small peppercorns] any of a genus (Anagallis) of… …   English World dictionary

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  • pimpernel — noun Etymology: Middle English pimpernele, from Anglo French, from Late Latin pimpinella, a medicinal herb Date: 14th century any of a genus (Anagallis) of herbs of the primrose family; especially scarlet pimpernel …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • pimpernel — noun a) Any of various plants, of the genus Anagallis, having small red, white or purple flowers; especially the scarlet pimpernel, Anagallis arvensis. Lined up solidly with the Pimpernels and with the persecuted. Hal Lehrman b) A gallant dashing …   Wiktionary

  • pimpernel — [15] The burnet, a plant of the rose family, has fruit that look like peppercorns. It was therefore termed in Vulgar Latin *piperīnella, a derivative of *piperīnus ‘pepperlike’, which in turn was based on Latin piper ‘pepper’ (source of English… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • pimpernel — [[t]pɪ̱mpə(r)nel[/t]] pimpernels N VAR A pimpernel is a small wild plant that usually has red flowers …   English dictionary

  • pimpernel — [ pɪmpənɛl] noun a low growing plant with bright five petalled flowers. [Anagallis arvensis (scarlet pimpernel) and other species.] Origin ME: from OFr. pimpernelle, based on L. piper pepper …   English new terms dictionary

  • pimpernel — pim•per•nel [[t]ˈpɪm pərˌnɛl, nl[/t]] n. pln any plant belonging to the genus Anagallis, of the primrose family, esp. A. arvensis scarlet pimpernel , having scarlet or white flowers that close in bad weather. • Etymology: 1400–50; late ME… …   From formal English to slang

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