- Selected holidays and other observances
▪ TableSelected holidays and other observancesJanuaryFebruaryMarch AprilMayJune JulyAugustSeptember OctoberNovemberDecember1 Cuba Liberation Day, for independence from Spain (1899).1 Taiwan Founding of Republic of China, for Chiang Kai-shek's founding of republic (1949).7 Liberia Pioneers Day, for early black settlers, mostly from U.S.11 Albania Proclamation of the Republic Day, for establishing the republic (1946).11 Nepal National Unity Day, for founding of present royal dynasty (1769–75).13 Togo Liberation Day, for new constitution (1979).15 Japan Adults' Day, for persons attaining age 20.17 Philippines Constitution Day, for 1935 constitution.17 Poland Liberation Day, for liberation from Nazis (1945).18 Tunisia Revolution Day, for struggles leading to independence from France (1956) and abolition of monarchy (1957).19 various eastern Christian Epiphany, 12th day after Christmas, for visit of Magi to the child Jesus.26 India Republic Day, for proclamation of the republic (1950).January/February2nd new moon after winter solstice (earliest January 21; latest February 19) Chinese New Year, for Chinese lunar year, inaugurating 10- to 14-day celebration.Shebat 15 Jewish Tu bi-Shebat, for Jewish arbour day.2 various Christian Candlemas Day, for presentation of Jesus in the Temple and purification of Mary 40 days after his birth.4 Sri Lanka Independence and National Day, for independence from Britain (1948).6 New Zealand Waitangi Day, or New Zealand Day, for Treaty of Waitangi (1840), granting British sovereignty.11 Japan National Foundation Day, for founding by first emperor (660 BC).11 Vatican City Independence Anniversary, for signing of Lateran Treaty (1929).12 or 1st Monday various U.S. Lincoln's Birthday, for birth of President Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12, 1809).14 various St. Valentine's Day, celebrating the exchange of love messages and named for either of two 3rd-century Christian martyrs.21 Bangladesh Martyrs Day, for martyrs advocating Bengali language (1952).3rd Monday various U.S. Presidents' Day, Washington-Lincoln Day, or Washington's Birthday, for birthdays of Presidents George Washington (Feb. 22, 1732) and Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12, 1809).23 Guyana Republic Day, for proclamation of republic (1970).25 Kuwait National Day, celebrating accession of Sheikh 'Abdullah al-Salim al-Sabah (1950), under whom came independence from Britain (June 19, 1961).February/March3 days before Lent various Christian Carnival, or Shrovetide, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday (Mardi Gras) before Ash Wednesday.40 days (except Sundays) before Easter various Christian Ash Wednesday, beginning of Lent (lasting until Easter).3 Bulgaria Liberation Day, for release from Ottoman rule (1878).8 international International Women's Day, celebration of the women's liberation movement.12 Gabon Renovation Day, for national renewal.17 Ireland/various St. Patrick's Day, for patron saint of Ireland.21 or 22 Japan Vernal Equinox Day, for beginning of spring.23 Pakistan Republic Day, for establishment of the republic (1956).25 Christian Feast of the Annunciation, or Lady Day, for the angel Gabriel's announcement to Mary of the coming birth of Jesus.Nisan 15–22 (earliest March 26–April 2; latest April 25–May 1) Jewish Passover, 8-day commemoration of liberation of Jews from Egyptian bondage (13th century BC).1st Sunday after 1st full moon after anciently calculated vernal equinox (March 21) in Gregorian calendar (earliest March 22; latest April 27) western Christian, some eastern Christian Easter, for Resurrection of Jesus Christ.1st Sunday after 1st full moon after anciently calculated vernal equinox (March 21) in Julian calendar (earliest April 3; latest May 10, New Style) most eastern Christian Easter, for Resurrection of Jesus Christ.15th day of full moon of Phalguna Hindu Holi, spring festival commemorating the burning of the witch Holika.1 various April Fools' Day, or All Fools' Day, day for playing jokes, falling one week after the old New Year's Day of March 25.3 Guinea Independence Day, or Celebration of the Second Republic, commemorating renewal following President Sékou Touré's death (1984).4 Hungary Liberation Day, for liberation from Nazis (1945).4 Senegal National Day, or Independence Day, for completion of agreements with France giving sovereignty (1960).5 Chinese Ching Ming, for sweeping tombs and honouring the dead.6 South Africa Founders' Day, for first settlement of Dutch (1652).6 Thailand Chakri Day, for founding of present dynasty by King Rama I (1782–1809).7 international World Health Day, for founding of World Health Organization (1948).8 Buddhist Flower Festival, for Buddha's birthday.11 Costa Rica National Heroes' Day, for repelling Nicaraguan invasion (1856).14 Americas Pan American Day, for first conference of American states (1890).15 Shinto Sanno Festival, honouring mountain god Sanno.16 Denmark Queen Margrethe's Birthday, for queen's birthday (1940).17 American Samoa Flag Day, for raising American flag (1900) and establishing constitutional government (1960).19 Sierra Leone Republic Anniversary Day, for founding of the republic (1971).19 Uruguay Landing of the 33 Immortals, for return of 33 patriots, leading to independence from Brazil (1825).19 Venezuela Declaration of Independence Day and Day of the Indian, for founding of the republic (1830).30 The Netherlands Queen's Birthday, for Queen Beatrix's investiture and former Queen Juliana's birthday.April/MayNisan 27 Israel Holocaust Day, commemorating the Nazi Holocaust (1933–45).1st full moon of month Vishakha Buddhist Vesak, for birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha.Vishakha 1 Hindu Vishakhi, New Year festival.1st Monday Japan Constitution Memorial Day, for establishment of democratic government (1947).3 Poland Constitution Day, for adoption of first constitution (1794).5 Thailand Coronation Day, for crowning of King Bhumibol Adulyadej (1946).8/9 various V-E Day, or Liberation Day, for end of World War II in Europe (proclaimed to take effect at 12:01 AM, May 9, 1945, middle European standard time).14 Malawi Kamuzu Day, for birthday of President H. Kamuzu Banda.17 Nauru Constitution Day, for constitution amendments and independence from Australia (1968).17 Norway Constitution Day, for adoption of constitution (1814).20 Cameroon National Day, for independence from France (1960) and declaration of the republic (1972).22 Haiti Sovereignty and Thanksgiving Day, for Haitian rulers and Haitian customs.22 Sri Lanka Heroes' Day, for ratification of constitution (1972).24 Ecuador Independence Battle Day, or Battle of Pinchincha Day, for independence from Spain (1822).25 various African African Freedom Day, or OAU Day, for founding of Organization of African Unity (1963).last Monday or 30 most U.S. Memorial Day, or Decoration Day, in honour of the deceased, especially the war dead.31 South Africa Republic Day, for establishment of the union (1910) and of the republic (1961).May/June7th Sunday after Easter various Christian Pentecost, or Whitsunday, for descent of Holy Spirit among Christ's disciples, marking beginning of Christian mission.1st Sunday after Pentecost various Christian Trinity Sunday, in honour of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.1st Thursday after Trinity Sunday various Christian Feast of Corpus Christi, in honour of the Holy Eucharist.1–2 Tunisia Constitution Day, or Victory Day, for promulgation of constitution (June 1, 1959).1–3 Western Samoa Independence Days, for release from New Zealand trusteeship (actual date Jan. 1, 1962).2 Italy Anniversary of the Republic, for referendum establishing republic (1946).4 Tonga Emancipation Day, for release from British protectorship (1970).5 international World Environment Day, for environmental concerns worldwide (marking anniversary of first UN Conference on Human Environment, 1972).5 Denmark Constitution Day, for two constitutions (1849, 1953).5 Seychelles Liberation Day, for change of government (1977).6 Sweden National Day, for Gustav I Vasa's ascension to the throne (1523) and adoption of constitution (1809).11 Hawaii King Kamehameha I Day, for Hawaiian monarch (1758–1819).13 Yemen Reform Movement Day, for anniversary of 1974 reforms.17 Iceland Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic, for independence from Denmark (1944).24 Zaire Day of Fishers, for fishermen and for adoption of constitution (1967) and currency.26 Somalia Independence Day, for agreement on Italian Somaliland's release from Italian trusteeship and British Somaliland's independence from Britain (1960).final Sunday international Gay and Lesbian Pride Day, final day of week-long advocacy of rights of homosexuals.1 Ghana Republic Day, for proclamation of republic (1960).1 Suriname Day of Freedom, for abolition of slavery (1863).6 Malawi Independence Day, for independence from Britain (1964) and proclamation of republic (1966).11–12 Mongolia National Days, for revolution against China (1921).12 Northern Ireland Orangemen's Day, or Orange Day, anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne (1690).12 São Tomé and Príncipe Anniversary of National Independence, for independence from Portugal (1975).17 Iraq 17th of July Revolution Day, for revolution of 1968.17 South Korea Constitution Day, for adoption of constitution (1963).18 Uruguay Constitution Day, for adoption of constitution (1951).22 Poland National Liberation Day, for liberation from Nazis (1944) and enactment of constitution (1952).23 Egypt Anniversary of the Revolution, for end of monarchy (1952).25 Tunisia Republic Day, for proclamation of the republic (1957).25–27 Cuba National Revolutionary Festival, in commemoration of Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement, founded 1953.28–29 Peru Independence Days, for independence from Spain (1821).July/Augustmid-July or mid-August Buddhist Bon Festival, lighting of lanterns in honour of ancestors.1 Switzerland Anniversary of the Founding of the Swiss Confederation (1291).3 Guinea-Bissau Martyrs' Day, for martyrs of colonialism.6 Japan Hiroshima Day, for dropping of atomic bomb (1945).1st Monday The Bahamas Emancipation Day, for freeing of slaves (1838).11–12 Zimbabwe Heroes' Day, for national heroes.13 Central African Republic Proclamation of Independence Day, for independence from France (1960).15 various Christian Assumption Day, for Virgin Mary's Assumption into heaven.15 South Korea Independence Day, for liberation from Japan (1945) and proclamation of the republic (1948).16 Dominican Republic Restoration Day, for establishment of the first democratic government (1963).17 Argentina San Martín Day, for death of patriot José de San Martín (1850).23–24 Romania National Holidays, for switch from Axis to Allied allegiance (1944).25 Paraguay Constitution Day, for adoption of constitution (1967).30 Peru St. Rose of Lima Day, feast day of native-born saint.last Monday Hong Kong Liberation Day, for liberation from Japan (1945).last Monday U.K. Late Summer Holiday, for recreation.August/SeptemberBhadrapada 4 Hindu Ganesa-caturthi, or Ganesh Chaturthi, festival honouring the elephant-headed god Ganesa and the independence leader Balgangadhar Tilak.full-moon day of 8th lunar month Korea Chusok, harvest festival.1 Libya National Day, or Revolution Day, for overthrow of monarchy and formation of the republic (1969).6 Swaziland Sobhuza Day, for independence from Britain (1968), named in honour of the 19th-century founder King Sobhuza I.9–10 Bulgaria National Days, or Liberation Days, for liberation from Nazis (1944).11 Pakistan Jinnah Day, anniversary of death of founder Mohammed Ali Jinnah (1948).12 Ethiopia National Revolution Day, for deposition of Emperor Haile Selassie (1974).14 Nicaragua Battle of San Jacinto Day, for defeat of invaders under William Walker (1856).15 Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua Independence Day, for Central American independence from Spain (1821).15 Japan Respect-for-the-Aged Day, for the elderly.17 Angola National Hero Day, for revolts against Portugal (1961–62) and civil war (1975).18–19 Chile Independence Day and Armed Forces Day, for independence from Spain (1818) and for armed forces.23 Saudi Arabia Unification of the Kingdom, for unification of the country (1932).23 or 24 Japan Autumnal Equinox Day, for beginning of autumn; in honour of ancestors.29 Brunei Constitution Day, for promulgation of the constitution (1959).30–Oct. 1 Botswana Independence Days, or Botswana Days, for independence from Britain (Sept. 30, 1966).September/Octobertwo weeks ending on 1st Sunday in October Germany Oktoberfest, festival of food and drink, formerly commemorating marriage of King Louis (Ludwig) I on Oct. 17, 1810.1 Nigeria Independence Day, for independence from Britain (1960) and establishment of the republic (1963).2 India Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday, for nationalist Mohandas K. Gandhi (b. 1869).3 Germany Day of German Unity, for reunification of Germany (1990).5 Portugal Republic Day, for founding of the republic.12 or 2nd Monday Spain/various Hispanic Day, Columbus Day, Discovery Day, or Day of the Race, for Christopher Columbus's discovery of the New World on behalf of Spain (1492).20 Kenya Kenyatta Day, honouring nationalist Jomo Kenyatta (c. 1894–1978).21–22 Somalia Revolution Days, for revolution of 1969.22 Vatican City Anniversary of the Installation of Pope John Paul II, for beginning of pontificate (1978).25 Taiwan Restoration Day, for release from Japanese occupation (after 50 years) and return to Chinese control (1945).27 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Thanksgiving and Independence Day, for independence from Britain (1979).31 various Halloween, or All Hallows' Eve, festive celebration of ghosts and spirits, on eve of All Saints' Day.October/November1 Algeria Anniversary of the Revolution, for beginning of the revolution against France (1954).3 Japan Culture Day, for cultural activities, originally commemorating Emperor Meiji's birthday (1852).11 various Armistice Day, Remembrance Day, or Veterans Day, honouring participants in past wars and recalling the Armistice of World War I (Nov. 11, 1918).11–12 Maldives Republic Days, for founding of the republic (1953, 1968).15 Brazil Proclamation of the Republic, for overthrow of the emperor (1899).18–20 Oman National Days, honouring the sultan and nation's heritage.19 Monaco Prince Rainier Day, in honour of Rainier III (acceded May 5, 1949).23 Japan Labour Thanksgiving Day, honouring workers.24 Zaire Anniversary of New Regime, for beginning of a new government (1964).28–29 Albania Independence and Liberation Days, for independence from Turkey (1912) and liberation in World War II (1944).1 Central African Republic Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic, for independence from France (1958).6 The Netherlands St. Nicholas Day, for celebration of the saint and young children.9 Tanzania Independence and Republic Day, for independence from Britain (1961) and establishment of the republic (1962).12 Mexico Fiesta of Our Lady of Guadalupe, commemorating the appearance of the Blessed Virgin to an Indian convert (1531).13 Malta Republic Day, for establishment of the republic (1974).16 Bangladesh Victory Day, for independence from Pakistan (1971).18 Niger Republic Day, for independence from France (1960).25 Taiwan Constitution Day, for adoption of constitution of Republic of China (1946).26 central Europe St. Stephen's Day, feast day of first Christian martyr.December/JanuaryKislev 25–Tebet 2/3 Jewish Hanukkah, eight-day commemoration of Maccabean victory over the Syrians and rededication of the Temple of Jerusalem (165 BC).Muslim year*Ramadan Fast of Ramadan, month-long fasting and other abstentions from dawn to dusk.Ramadan 29/30–Shawwal 3 Festival of Fast Breaking, feasting with the end of the Fast of Ramadan.Dhu al-Hijjah 10–13 The Great Festival, inaugurating the pilgrimage to Mecca and observing animal sacrifices.*The Muslim lunar calendar of 354 or 355 days completely ignores the seasons or solar progress (so that a date in spring may over the years gradually move into winter, then autumn, then summer, and back to spring again). That is, relative to the Gregorian calendar, Muslim holidays continually move backward over the course of time, so that a holiday such as Ramadan may be in March one year and in February the next and, over a long span, may occur in every Gregorian month.See as table:
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Universalium. 2010.