List of brightest stars — Bright stars are bright because they have high luminosities and/or they are nearby. Below are the 91 brightest individual stars as seen from Earth in visible wavelengths (apparent magnitude less than or equal to +2.50). The number of observable… … Wikipedia
Stars and planetary systems in fiction — The planetary systems of stars other than the Sun and the Solar System are a staple element in much science fiction. Contents 1 Overview 1.1 The brightest stars … Wikipedia
Stars in astrology — Several stars have played important role in the ancient and medieval astrology.AldebaranAstrologically, Aldebaran is a fortunate star, portending riches and honor. This star, named Tascheter by the Persians, is one of the four royal stars of the… … Wikipedia
Stars named after people — Over the past few centuries, a small number of stars have been named after individual people. It is common in astronomy for objects to be given names, in accordance with accepted astronomical naming conventions. However, most stars are not given… … Wikipedia
List of selected stars for navigation — The selected stars for navigation are often used for sextant observations. Fifty eight selected navigational stars are given a special status in the field of celestial navigation. Of the approximately 6,000 stars visible to the naked eye under… … Wikipedia
List of proper names of stars — This is a list of proper names for stars, mostly derived from Arabic and Latin. See also the list of stars by constellation, which gives variant names, derivations, and magnitudes. Of the roughly 10,000 stars visible to the naked eye, only few… … Wikipedia
List of most luminous stars — Below is a list of stars arranged in order of decreasing luminosity (increasing bolometric magnitude). Accurate measurement of stellar luminosities is quite difficult in practice, even when the apparent magnitude is measured accurately, for three … Wikipedia
Navigational stars — The navigational stars are used in celestial navigation because they are some of the brightest celesital objects due to their high luminosities and/or their proximity to our solar system. Most of these stars are a subset of the list of brightest… … Wikipedia
List of most massive stars — This is a list of the most massive stars so far discovered. The list is ordered by solar mass (1 solar mass = the mass of Earth s Sun). Stellar mass is the most important attribute of a star. Combined with chemical compositions, mass determines a … Wikipedia
List of nearest stars — Artist s conception of a red dwarf star, the most common type of star in the Sun s stellar neighborhood, and in the universe. Although termed a red dwarf, the surface temperature of this star would give it an orange hue when viewed from close… … Wikipedia