
Arcturian, adj.
/ahrk toor"euhs, -tyoor"-/, n. Astron.
a first-magnitude star in the constellation Boötes.
[1352-75; < L < Gk Arktoûros, equiv. to árkt(os) bear + -oûros keeper; r. ME arture < MF]

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also called  Alpha Boötis 

      one of the five brightest stars in the night sky, and the brightest star in the northern constellation Boötes, with an apparent visual magnitude of −0.05. It is an orange-coloured giant star about 37 light-years from the Earth. It lies in an almost direct line with the tail of Ursa Major (the Great Bear); hence its name, derived from the Greek words forbear guard.”

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Arcturus — Arc*tu rus, n. [L. Arcturus, Gr. ? bearward, equiv. to ?; ? bear + ? ward, guard. See {Arctic}.] (Anat.) A fixed star of the first magnitude in the constellation Bo[ o]tes. [1913 Webster] Note: Arcturus has sometimes been incorrectly used as the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • arcturus — ARCTURUS. s. m. Mot emprunté du latin et dérivé du Grec, qui est le nom d une étoile fixe de la première grandeur, située dans la constellation du Bouvier …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Arcturus — [ärk toor′əs, ärktyoor′əs] n. [L < Gr Arktouros < arktos, a bear + ouros, a guard < IE * woros, heedful < base * wer : see WARN] a giant, orange star in the constellation Boötes, the brightest star in the N celestial sphere: magnitude …   English World dictionary

  • Arcturus — radius=25.7 ± 0.3 [ Angular diameters of stars from the Mark III optical interferometer. , MOZURKEWICH D.; ARMSTRONG J.T.; HINDSLEY R.B.; QUIRRENBACH A.; HUMMEL C.A.; HUTTER D.J.; JOHNSTON K.J.; HAJIAN A.R.; ELIAS II N.M.; BUSCHER D.F.; SIMON R.S …   Wikipedia

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