Selected breeds of nonsporting dogs

Selected breeds of nonsporting dogs

Selected breeds of nonsporting dogs
name origin height in inches* dogs (bitches) weight in pounds* dogs (bitches) characteristics comments
bichon frise Mediterranean region 912 (same) N/A small, sturdy body; white, loosely curled coat that resembles powderpuff; plumed tail depicted in paintings by Francisco de Goya
Boston terrier U.S. 1517 (same) 1525 (same) compact body; short tail and head; brindle, seal, or black with white markings one of the few dog breeds that originated in the U.S.
bulldog England 1315 (same) 50 (40) medium-sized; low-slung body; large head with protruding lower jaw originally bred to fight bulls
Chinese shar-pei China 1820 (same) 4560 (same) medium-sized; loose skin and wrinkles covering head, neck, and body; broad muzzle dates to about 200 BC; originally a fighting dog
chow chow China 1720 (same) 4570 (same) powerful, square body; large head; blue-black tongue one of the oldest recognized dog breeds; rough- and smooth-coat varieties
Dalmatian Croatia 1923 (same) 5055 (same) white with black or liver-brown spots; strong, muscular build puppies are born solid white and develop spots as they age
keeshond The Netherlands 18 (17) 5566 (same) stand-off coat, thick around neck; plumed tail curled on back; small, pointed ears national dog of Holland; named for 18th-century Dutch patriot
Lhasa apso Tibet 1011 (slightly smaller) 1315 (same) small-sized; heavy, straight coat that extends over eyes; well-feathered tail carried on back token of good luck in ancient China
poodle (standard) possibly Germany minimum 15 (same) 4570 (same) small, square body; dense, curly coat often clipped in a variety of patterns national dog of France; also toy and miniature varieties
schipperke Belgium 1113 (1012) maximum 18 (same) cobby body; docked tail; black coat; foxlike face considered one of the best house dogs
*1 inch = 2.54 centimetres; 1 pound = 0.454 kilogram
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Universalium. 2010.

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  • dog — dogless, adj. doglike, adj. /dawg, dog/, n., v., dogged, dogging. n. 1. a domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties. 2. any carnivore of the dogfamily Canidae, having prominent canine teeth and, in the wild state, a long and… …   Universalium

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