Zunzunegui, Juan Antonio de
- Zunzunegui, Juan Antonio de
▪ Spanish novelist
in full Juan Antonio de Zunzunegui y Loredo
born Dec. 21, 1901, Portugalete, Spain
died May 31, 1982, Madrid
Spanish novelist and short-
story writer whose straightforward narrative technique was rooted in the 19th century.
His subject was chiefly social criticism of modern life in Bilbao and Madrid.
A member of the Spanish Academy from 1957,
Zunzunegui received the National Prize for Literature for El premio (
1961; “
The Prize”),
was itself a satire on literary prizes in Spain.
The novels Zunzunegui produced between 1926 and 1950 generally centre on contemporary life in Bilbao—
for example,
Chiripi (
and El chiplichandle (
1940; “
The Ship-
criticizing Spain'
s immoral social climate;
¡Ay … estos hijos! (
1943; “
These Children!”),
on family life in Bilbao;
and two novels on Bilbao bankers entitled La quiebra (
1947; “
The Bankruptcy”)
and La úlcera (
1949; “
The Ulcer”),
the latter a naturalistic novel whose characters are grotesquely deformed.
All of Zunzunegui'
s works offer a detailed portrait of contemporary Spanish life and often present marginal social characters.
His language is generally direct and unadorned and his characterization lacking in depth.
His narrative technique is in the traditional realistic style of the 19th century.
Beginning with El supremo bien (1951; “The Highest Good”), the setting of Zunzunegui's narratives is Madrid. This work traces a family over three generations. La vida como es (1954; “Life As It Is”), considered his best work, depicts Madrid's underworld and captures its argot and local colour.
Zunzunegui's other works include Las ratas del barco (1950; “The Ship Rats”), Una mujer sobre la tierra (1959; “A Woman on Earth”), El mundo sigue (1960; “The World Continues”), Una ricahembra (1970; “A Noblewoman”), La hija malograda (1973; “The Unfortunate Daughter”), and De la vida y de la muerte (1979: “Of Life and Death”). His Obras completas were published in eight volumes in 1976.
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