


      city, central Shaanxi (Shensi) sheng (province), north-central China. It is situated on the north bank of the Wei River about 12 miles (20 km) northwest of Xi'an, in an area that was the cradle of early Chinese civilization. It is on a vital east-west route through the Wei River valley, with good communications with northwestern China via its tributary, the Jing River.

      Its historical importance began with the Qin state, which emerged in the 4th century BCE as a powerful contender for control of China. In 350 BCE this state's ruler, Xiao Gong, moved his capital to Xianyang from Liyang. When all China was united under the Qin dynasty (221207 BCE), Xianyang was expanded to form the capital of the new unified empire. Magnificent public buildings and palaces were erected, and some 120,000 households were moved from their homes elsewhere to populate the capital. The city was burned during disturbances and civil war in 206 BCE following the collapse of the Qin. In 1974 farmers digging wells near the tomb mound of Shi Huangdi (the first emperor of the Qin dynasty), located east of Xianyang, found a collapsed subterranean vault containing a veritable army of life-size terra-cotta figures, including warriors (each a unique portrait), horses, and wooden chariots. The Qin tomb, designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987, has become one of China's major tourist attractions.

      The Han dynasty (206 BCE220 CE), successor to the Qin, moved its capital to Chang'an (present-day Xi'an), and Xianyang became a minor county named Weicheng. With the transfer of power to the Dong (Eastern) Han capital, Luoyang, after 23 CE, it ceased even to be a county. Under the Tang dynasty (618907), when the capital was returned to Chang'an, Xianyang again became a suburban county, the first staging post on the road to the west and a garrison post commanding the crossings of the Wei River. It remained a county subordinate to Xi'an until the establishment of the Chinese republic in 1911, when it became autonomous. The original Xianyang was about 6 miles (10 km) east of the modern city on the river almost north of Xi'an.

      In contemporary times, Xianyang has functioned as the market centre for a large and fertile irrigated area in the central Wei River valley, where substantial improvements have been made in the irrigation system. The main products are grains, tobacco, and cotton. Since 1949 the city, which was linked by rail to the coast and eastern China in 1935, has increased its commercial importance. Xianyang is now one of the top industrial cities in Shaanxi province. The city's electronics and textile industrieswhich include cotton and wool spinning, knitting, and printing and dyeingare its economic pillars. Xianyang remains closely linked both commercially and industrially with the growing industrial complex of Xi'an. Xianyang International Airport is located 8 miles (13 km) north of the city. Pop. (2002 est.) city, 540,838; (2007 est.) urban agglom., 1,126,000.

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