Wilbur, Richard

Wilbur, Richard

American poet
in full  Richard Purdy Wilbur 
born March 1, 1921, New York, N.Y., U.S.

      American poet associated with the New Formalist movement.

      Wilbur was educated at Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., and Harvard University, where he studied literature. He fought in Europe during World War II and earned a master's degree from Harvard in 1947. With The Beautiful Changes and Other Poems (1947) and Ceremony and Other Poems (1950), he established himself as an important young writer. These early poems are technically exquisite and formal in their adherence to the convention of rhyme and other devices.

      Wilbur next tried translating and in 1955 produced a version of Molière's play Le Misanthrope, which was followed by Molière's Tartuffe (1963), The School for Wives (1971), and The Learned Ladies (1978) and by Racine's Andromache (1982). In 1957 he won a Pulitzer Prize for poetry for Things of This World: Poems (1956), which was enthusiastically hailed as less perfect but more personal than his previous poetry. Wilbur wrote within the poetic tradition launched by T.S. Eliot, using irony and intellect to create tension in his poems. Some critics demanded more energy from his poems; this complaint was partially assuaged with the publication of Advice to a Prophet and Other Poems (1961), Walking to Sleep (1969), and The Mind Reader: New Poems (1976). He also wrote the lyrics for Leonard Bernstein's acclaimed musical comedy version of Candide (1956), children's books such as Loudmouse (1963) and Opposites (1973), and criticism, collected as Responses: Prose Pieces 19531976 (1976). He was poet laureate of the United States in 198788.

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