Whistler, James McNeill

Whistler, James McNeill

American artist
in full  James Abbott McNeill Whistler 
born July 11, 1834, Lowell, Mass., U.S.
died July 17, 1903, London, Eng.
  American-born artist noted for his paintings of nocturnal London, for his striking and stylistically advanced full-length portraits, and for his brilliant etchings and lithographs. An articulate theorist about art, he did much to introduce modern French painting into England. His most famous work isArrangement in Grey and Black, No. 1: The Artist's Mother” (187172; popularly calledWhistler's Mother” [see photograph—>]).

Early years
      James Abbott McNeill Whistler was born of Scottish-Irish ancestry. As a boy he spent some time in Russia at St. Petersburg, where his father was a civil engineer; after a short stay in England en route, he was back in the United States by 1849. He attended the United States Military Academy at West Point, but he soon abandoned the army for art.

      Like many of his compatriots he was fascinated by Paris, where he arrived in 1855 to study painting and soon adopted a Bohemian lifestyle. He was drawn to the French modern movement, responding to the realism associated with the painters Gustave Courbet (Courbet, Gustave), Henri Fantin-Latour, and François Bonvin, all of whom he knew. The realistic streak in his art may be seen in such early works asSelf-Portrait” (c. 185758) and the Twelve Etchings from Nature (1858).

      During the 1860s Whistler moved between England and Paris; he also visited Brittany (1861) and the coast near Biarritz (1862), where he painted with Courbet and evinced that love of the sea that was to mark a number of his later small oil studies and watercolours. In 1863 Whistler settled in London, where he found congenial themes on the River Thames, and the etchings that he did of such subjects garnered praise from the poet and critic Charles Baudelaire (Baudelaire, Charles) when they were exhibited in Paris.

The move to London
      Whistler won considerable success in Paris whenSymphony in White No. 1: The White Girl” (1862) was shown at the Salon des Refusés in 1863. This famous painting shows that if he was an exponent of realism, he was also attracted by the Pre-Raphaelite movement, which had begun in England in 1848.

      One of his chief claims to fame was his delight in the Japanese artsthen an avant-garde taste that, significantly, was to have many followers in his own country. Paintings such asRose and Silver: La Princesse du Pays de la Porcelaine” (1864) orCaprice in Purple and Gold, No. 2: The Golden Screen” (1864) indicate his interest in the picturesque rather than the formal aspects of this style. “Symphony in Grey and Green: The Ocean” (186667), the result of a trip to Valparaiso, Chile, was, however, more Oriental in mood: the signature on this work is painted in an Oriental fashion. This style received its finest expression inOld Battersea Bridge: NocturneBlue and Gold” (187275). His appreciation of Oriental art was complemented by one for earthenware Tanagra figurines from Hellenistic Greece, and their elegant forms influenced his figure painting and drawing; both the Oriental and Hellenistic strains were blended in a series of highly coloured sketches, Six Projects.

      The 1860s and '70s were especially creative for Whistler. It was then that he began to give musical titles to his paintings, such asSymphonyandHarmony.” In doing so he revealed a dependence on the theory of art for art's sake, which esteemed music as the most abstract of the arts, and on the belief in thecorrespondencesbetween the arts associated with Baudelaire and the French poet Théophile Gautier. It should be emphasized, however, that Whistler was not a lover of music for its own sake. During this period he started to paint his nocturnesscenes of London, especially of Chelsea, that have poetic intensity and a fin de siècle flavour. These were based on memory or on pencil sketches. For them he evolved a special technique by which paint, in a very liquid state he called a sauce, was stroked onto the canvas in fast sweeps of the brush, somewhat in the manner of Oriental calligraphy.

 From the 1870s onward he was preoccupied by the problems of portrait painting, creating a number of masterpieces, “Arrangement in Grey and Black, No. 1: The Artist's Mother” (see photograph—>), “Miss Cicely Alexander: Harmony in Grey and Green” (1873), “Arrangement in Grey and Black, No. 2: Thomas Carlyle” (1873), andSymphony in Flesh Colour and Pink: Mrs. Frederick R. Leyland,” among others. These are paintings that underline his aestheticism, his liking for simple forms and muted tones, and his dependence on the 17th-century Spanish painter Diego Velázquez.

      Whistler touched the artistic life of his time at many points. He engaged in decorative work, as was shown by the stand he executed for the 1878 Paris exhibition (his collaborator was the architect E.W. Godwin) and later his frieze for the Grosvenor Gallery in London. Above all he painted the famous Peacock Room (begun 1876) for No. 49 Prince's Gate, London, the house of F.R. Leyland, a Liverpool shipping magnate. The decoration failed to please his patron, who felt Whistler had exceeded his commission, particularly in painting over some antique leather. The room was moved in 1919 to the Freer Gallery of Art. Whistler was also a force in book design.

      During these years in London he came to know many of the most interesting artists of the daysuch as Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Albert Mooreand he was a high priest of bohemianism, living for long with Jo Hiffernan, an Irish woman who served as a model to Courbet as well as to the artist himself. Although often short of money, he entertained considerably and was already becoming one of the most talked-of men in London.

      A change occurred in his life in 1877 when he brought a libel suit against John Ruskin (Ruskin, John), the celebrated writer on aesthetics, for the latter's attack onNocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket” (1874). He won the case but received damages of only a farthing (the least valuable coin of the realm). The need to pay substantial costs occasioned his bankruptcy in 1879, and he was forced to move out of his charming home, the White House in Chelsea. He went to Venice with his mistress, Maud Franklin. He remained there for 14 months and soon became a centre of attraction among the many foreign artists who congregated in the city. He seldom painted in oils there, however, and spent most of his time producing pastels and watercolours, exquisite in their colouring. He had arrived with a commission to execute a series of etchings (etching) for the Fine Art Society. In all he made just more than 50 etchings of Venetian subjects, which are among the most striking graphic works of the time.

      His etchings won him success in London when exhibited upon his return in 1880 and in 1883. He continued to paint portraitsthose of Pablo de Sarasate, Lady Archibald Campbell, Théodore Duret, and Robert, Count de Montesquiou-Fezensac are among the finestbut with increasing difficulty, as he was obsessed by the problem of achieving perfection.

The challenge of his final period
      Whistler faced many problems in later years. He may have felt that he was out of step with modern movements. For instance, by the 1890s Impressionism was a dominant style, but he himself, though keen on painting after nature, never used the radiant colours or technique of the Impressionists. He was happiest in painting small studies of townscape and seascape that reflect the influence of the 19th-century French painter Camille Corot (Corot, Camille). He made many etchings and lithographs, butsignificantly at a time when colour lithographs were becoming popularonly three or four of his were in colour. His black-and-white lithographs, however, are delightful.

      After his return from Venice, Whistler became a great figure in London life, seeking publicity and winning points against Oscar Wilde in controversy. In 1888 he married Beatrix Godwin, and he and his wife spent much time in Paris on the Left Bank. When Beatrix Whistler died in 1896, Whistler was deeply upset, and his final years were sad. Although he kept in touch with his contemporaries and ran an art school in Paris, his productive period was over.

      In the early 1900s many excellent judges of art considered Whistler to be one of the leading painters of the day. Within a relatively short time, however, the reputation of this versatile artist suffered a decline, and only recently has Whistler begun to receive serious acclaim once again.

Denys Sutton Ed.

Additional Reading
E.R. Pennell and J. Pennell, The Life of James McNeill Whistler, 2 vol. (1908, reissued 1973), contains a firsthand account of the artist; though there are some inaccuracies, it is a fundamental volume. Modern biographies and studies of his art include James Laver, Whistler, 2nd ed. (1951, reissued 1976); Hesketh Pearson, The Man Whistler (1952, reissued 1978); Horace Gregory, The World of James McNeill Whistler (1959, reissued 1969); Denys Sutton, Nocturne: The Art of James McNeill Whistler (1963), and James McNeill Whistler: Paintings, Etchings, Pastels & Watercolours (1966); Roy McMullen, Victorian Outsider (1973); Stanley Weintraub, Whistler (1974); Gordon Fleming, The Young Whistler, 183466 (1978, reissued 1988); Hilary Taylor, James McNeill Whistler (1978); Frances Spalding, Whistler (1979); Andrew McLaren Young, The Paintings of James McNeill Whistler, 2 vol. (1980), a catalog raisonné; David Park Curry, James McNeill Whistler at the Freer Gallery of Art (1984); and Katharine A. Lochnan, The Etchings of James McNeill Whistler (1984).

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  • Whistler, James (Abbott) McNeill — born July 14, 1834, Lowell, Mass., U.S. died July 17, 1903, London, Eng. U.S. born British painter, etcher, and lithographer. He attended West Point but soon abandoned the army for art. In 1855 he arrived in Paris to study painting and adopted a… …   Universalium

  • Whistler, James (Abbott) McNeill — (14 jul. 1834, Lowell, Mass., EE.UU. –17 jul. 1903, Londres, Inglaterra). Pintor, aguafuertista y litógrafo británico de origen estadounidense. Estudió en West Point, pero muy pronto abandonó el ejército para dedicarse al arte. En 1855 llegó a… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • James Abbott McNeill Whistler — Selbstporträt Whistlers, Detroit Institute of Arts James Abbott McNeill Whistler (* 10. Juli 1834 in Lowell, Massachusetts; † 17. Juli 1903 in Chelsea, London) war ein US amerik …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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