Villani, Giovanni

Villani, Giovanni

Italian historian
born c. 1275, , Florence
died 1348, Florence

      Italian chronicler whose European attitude to history foreshadowed Humanism.

      In 1300 Villani became a partner in the banking firm of Peruzzi, for which he travelled to Rome (130001), where he negotiated with the pope, and (130207) to France, Switzerland, and Flanders. In 1308, back in Italy, he left the Peruzzi company. He took an active part in Florentine life and three times (1316, 1317, and 1321) was appointed head of a guild. He was prosecuted for embezzlement but was found innocent. In 1345 he was involved in the bankruptcy of the Bardi and other companies and was imprisoned, but released on bail. He died during the plague of 1348.

      His Cronica, or Storia fiorentina, is a vast and ambitious universal history in 12 books. It was planned as a history of events from the fall of the Tower of Babel to Villani's own time, seen from and focussed on Florence. Villani began the work in about 1308. The most interesting part covers the period 12661346.

      On Florentine history Villani achieved considerable impartiality; although a supporter of the Guelfs, he was not partisan in his views and reflected the outlook of the wealthy borghesi (“bourgeoisie”) of the time. His work is of particular value for its inclusion of detailed statistical information on the administration and finance of the Florence of his own time; it is the first introduction of statistics as a positive element in history. For the purity of its Florentine vocabulary, the Cronica is considered a classic of the Italian language.

      After Giovanni's death, his brother Matteo added 10 books to the Cronica, covering the years 134863. Matteo's son, Filippo, added another book for the year 1364.

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