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      city, eastern Serbia. Bor is the site of one of the largest copper mines in Europe, and it has been a mining centre since 1904, when a French company began operations there. The city is situated on a road and railroad running southeast from Belgrade to Zaječar and Niš. A copper mine has opened at the Bor Mining and Smelting Works (RTB Bor), the massive works producing copper, gold, silver, and, through the electrolytic refining of silver and gold, platinum and palladium as well. Nearby, at Veliki Krivelj, there is a large deposit of high-grade copper ore. Bor has a mining college and a mining museum. The town of Gamzigrad, with medieval remains, is nearby. Pop. (2002) 39,387.

The Sudan
      town, southern Sudan, on the eastern bank of the al-Jabal River, and about 87 miles (140 km) north of Jūbā. It is located at an elevation of 1,394 feet (425 m). In 1840 Bor was the headquarters of the second expedition under SelimCaputansent by Muḥammad ʿAlī, the viceroy of Egypt, for the conquest of the southern Sudan.

      Bor is an agricultural centre for the surrounding areas supporting grain production (mainly millet and sesame) and subsistence herding of livestock. Traditional handicrafts comprise leather and woodworking and primary processing of hides. It serves as a station for the Jūbā-Khartoum ferry service. Roads link it with Jūbā and Malakāl, and it has a domestic airport. A school was founded in Bor in 1905 by a Christian missionary society; it was taken over by the government after the expulsion of missionaries in 1962.

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Universalium. 2010.

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