Vergerio, Pietro Paolo

Vergerio, Pietro Paolo

Italian educator
byname  Vergerio the Elder , Italian  Vergerio Il Vecchio 
born c. 1369, Capodistria, Istria [now Koper, Slovenia]
died early July 1444, Budapest

      Italian educator whose treatises on humanistic education greatly influenced educational methods and curriculum in Renaissance Italy.

      Vergerio studied at Padua, Florence, and Bologna and obtained degrees in the arts and medicine. From 1390 to 1406 he was professor of logic at Padua. Following his return to the papal court he composed De ingenuis moribus et liberalibus studiis (140203; “On Noble Customs and Liberal Studies of Adolescents”), the most influential of Italian Renaissance educational treatises. De ingenuis passed through 40 editions before 1600; in it Vergerio advocated maintaining Latin as the core of liberal education, reviving the study of Greek, and pursuing a broad range of academic subjects as well as physical education.

      Vergerio was papal secretary to popes Innocent VII (140406) and Gregory XII (140609), and from 1414 to 1418 he helped organize the Council of Constance (Constance, Council of). He next entered the service of the Holy Roman emperor Sigismund (Sigismund I) (141837), for whom he translated Arrian's biography of Alexander the Great (Anabasis Alexandri) into Latin. Among his other works are On Restoring Unity in the Church and a Life of Petrarch.

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Universalium. 2010.

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