

Greek historian
Latin in full  Lucius Flavius Arrianus  
born c. AD 86, Nicomedia, Bithynia [now İzmit, Tur.]
died c. 160, Athens? [Greece]

      Greek historian and philosopher who was one of the most distinguished authors of the 2nd-century Roman Empire. He was the author of a work describing the campaigns of Alexander the Great. Titled Anabasis, presumably in order to recall Xenophon's work of that title, it describes Alexander's military exploits in seven books; an eighth, the Indica, tells of Indian customs and the voyage of Nearchus in the Persian Gulf, with borrowings from Megasthenes and Eratosthenes (Eratosthenes of Cyrene).

      Arrian was clearly a great admirer of Alexander but was primarily interested in the purely military aspect of the story he was telling. There is little to enlighten the reader about Alexander's motives for conquest or his ideal of the creation of a united world. The work, however, does contain some fine pieces of descriptive writing, such as the account of the siege and capture of Tyre in Book II. Modern historians use the work as a means of recovering Arrian's major sources, Ptolemy I (Ptolemy I Soter) and Aristobulus.

      Another significant work by Arrian is the Encheiridion (“Manual”), a manual of the teachings of Epictetus, the Stoic philosopher whose disciple Arrian was. This work was much used in the Middle Ages as a guide to the principles of the monastic life.

      Arrian served in the Roman army and was appointed by the emperor Hadrian to be legate of the province of Cappadocia (AD 131137). After Hadrian's death (138) Arrian retired to Athens, where about 145 he held the office of archon (judicial magistrate) and occupied himself with his literary work.

      Arrian also wrote a work on hunting, Cynegeticus (a revision of Xenophon's monograph on that topic), and various essays: Periplus (about 131; “Circumnavigation”), Tactica (136/137; “On Tactics”), andThe Order of Battle Against the Alans (135), an essay on how he defeated barbarians. His lost works include Parthica (17 books, of which 10 treated Trajan's campaigns), Bithyniaca (a history of Bithynia in 8 books), and a work on the aftermath of Alexander the Great's death, Affairs After Alexander (10 books).

Additional Reading
The standard study is Philip A. Stadter, Arrian of Nicomedia (1980). A.B. Bosworth, From Arrian to Alexander: Studies in Historical Interpretation (1988), applies techniques of historiographical analysis to Arrian and other biographers of Alexander the Great.

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