Vennberg, Karl

Vennberg, Karl

Swedish poet
in full  Karl Gunnar Vennberg  
born April 11, 1910, Blädinge, Sweden
died May 12, 1995

      poet and critic who was the critical-analytical leader in Swedish poetry of the 1940s.

      Vennberg was a teacher of Norwegian in a Stockholm folk high school. His influential reviews and critical essays broke the ground for the radical cause of the 40-talslyrik (1947; “Poetry of the 1940s”), an anthology that he edited together with Erik Lindegren. His two volumes of verse, in which he exposes contemporary deception and self-deception, Halmfackla (1944; “Straw Torch”) and Tideräkning (1945; “Reckoning of Time”), together with Lindegren's collections from these years, are considered the central works of the new Swedish poetry of the 1940s. His later volumes of poetry include Gatukorsning (1952; “Intersection”), Synfält (1954; “Points of View”), and Sju ord tunnelbanan (1971; “Seven Words in the Subway”).

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