

Roman spectacle
      (Latin:animal hunts”), in ancient Rome, type of public spectacle that featured animal hunts.

      Contests between beasts or between men and beasts were staged in an amphitheatre, usually in connection with gladiator shows. The men used in these exhibitions were either captives, condemned criminals, or professional animal hunters. Originating in the 2nd century BC as part of the games of the circus, such displays were immensely popular with the Roman public. Julius Caesar (Caesar, Julius) built the first wooden amphitheatre for the exhibition of this spectacle. The popularity of venationes became such that the world was searched for lions, bears, bulls, hippopotamuses, panthers, and crocodiles to be displayed at public celebrations and slaughtered. As many as 11,000 animals were exhibited and killed on a single occasion. Although it is uncertain how long the venationes were presented, they were still in existence after the shows of gladiators were abolished in the 5th century. Representations of venationes appear on coins, mosaics, and tombs of the period.

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