Ujigami — (氏神, Ujigami ? «deidad del clan») se refiere en el sintoísmo a un kami o espíritu tutelar que era adorado en la antigua sociedad japonesa por los individuos que compartían el mismo nombre de clan (uji). Sin embargo el ámbito original de ujigami… … Wikipedia Español
Ujigami — (jap. 氏神) sind im Shintō Glauben lokale Kami, welche über den Ort wachen, an dem sie verehrt werden. Ursprünglich waren Ujigami meist die Geister von Ahnen, die von einem bestimmten Clan (uji) abstammten, von dessen Anführern (uji no kami) und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ujigami — The kami of an uji, clan , community . In practice more or less interchangeable with ubusuna, the kami of one s birthplace, though ujigami carries mainly the sense of ancestor or parent kami. The ujigami is the protective or tutelary deity of… … A Popular Dictionary of Shinto
Ujigami — An nihongo|ujigami|氏神 is a guardian god or spirit of a particular place in the Shinto religion of Japan. Most ujigami live in natural places such as a forest or a lake. When people take the notice of ujigami they build shrines in their honor … Wikipedia
Ujigami-Schrein — Gebetshalle (haiden) des Ujigami jinja Haupthalle (honden) des Ujigami jinja … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ujigami-jinja — Gebetshalle (haiden) des Ujigami jinja Haupthalle (hon … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ujigami Shrine — Nihongo|Ujigami Shrine|宇治上神社|ujigami jinja is a Shinto shrine in the city of Uji in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. In 1994, it was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as one of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto .Ujigami Shrine is… … Wikipedia
Ujigami-sai — The annual festival for the tutelary deity (ujigami) of a community. It was traditionally organised by annual rotation among the elite male members (ujiko) of a shrine guild (miyaza), who prepared themselves for the year long responsibility by … A Popular Dictionary of Shinto
ujigami — … Useful english dictionary
Nagare-zukuri — Ujigami Shrine in Uji, Kyoto Prefecture The nagare zukuri (流造, flowing style? … Wikipedia