Timon of Athens

Timon of Athens

work by Shakespeare
      tragedy in five acts by William Shakespeare (Shakespeare, William), probably written sometime in 160508 and published in the First Folio of 1623 from an authorial manuscript, probably unfinished. Some parts of the play may be by Thomas Middleton (Middleton, Thomas). It belongs to Shakespeare's late experimental period, when he explored a new kind of tragic form.

      Unlike the plots of his great tragedies, the story of Timon of Athens is simple and lacks development. It demonstrates events in the life of Timon, a man known for his great and universal generosity, who spends his fortune and then is spurned when he requires help. He puts on a feast, invites his fair-weather friends, serves them warm water, and throws it in their faces. Leaving Athens filled with hatred, he goes to live in a cave. There he is visited by his loyal servant Flavius, by the churlish philosopher Apemantus, and by two mistresses of the general Alcibiades, all of whom sympathize to some degree with Timon's plight, but to no avail; Timon has turned his back on ungrateful humankind. While digging for roots to eat, Timon uncovers gold, most of which he gives to Alcibiades' mistresses and to Alcibiades himself for his war against Athens. Word of his fortune reaches Athens, and, as a variety of Athenians importune Timon again, he curses them and dies.

      For a discussion of this play within the context of Shakespeare's entire corpus, see William Shakespeare: Shakespeare's plays and poems (Shakespeare, William).

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  • Timon of Athens — comedies.Date and textThe play has caused considerable debate among scholars. It is oddly constructed, with several lacunae (gaps), and for this reason, it is often described as unfinished, multi authored, and/or experimental. As a result, no… …   Wikipedia

  • Timon of Athens — Timon d Athènes Théâtre Par catégories Personnali …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Timon of Athens (person) — This is about the figure who inspired Shakespeare s Timon of Athens . For the Greek philosopher from Phlius, see Timon (philosopher). Timon of Athens was a citizen of Athens whose reputation for misanthropy grew to legendary status. According to… …   Wikipedia

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  • Timon — may refer to:A given name of Greek origin: *Timon (philosopher), a Skeptic philosopher of classical Greece *Timon of Athens (person), a legendary misanthrope *Timon the Deacon, an early Christian leaderFiction: * Timon of Athens , a play by… …   Wikipedia

  • Timon — a misanthrope, from Timon, name of a misanthrope who lived in Athens during the Peloponnesian War (431 404 B.C.E.), hero of Shakespeare s Timon of Athens …   Etymology dictionary

  • Timon de phlionte — (vers 325 av. J. C. 235 av. J. C.) était un philosophe sceptique héritier de la pensée de Pyrrhon. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Œuvres attribuées à Timon de Phlionte 3 Bibliographie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Timon — Timon,   athenischer Sonderling, wahrscheinlich aus dem 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr.; als Typus des Menschenfeindes von der attischen Komödie verspottet, bekannt durch einen Dialog Lukians sowie Shakespeares Drama »Timon of Athens« (entstanden 1607/08) …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Timon von Athen (Shakespeare) — Daten des Dramas Titel: Timon von Athen Originaltitel: The Life of Timon of Athens Gattung: Tragödie Originalsprache: Englisch …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Timón de Atenas — La vida de Timón de Atenas es una obra escrita por William Shakespeare hacia 1607 o 1608. Su estructura es inusual, con algunas lagunas o imprecisiones, y por esta razón, es comúnmente considerada un trabajo incompleto o experimental multiautoral …   Wikipedia Español

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