Thomas, R.S.

Thomas, R.S.

British poet
in full  Ronald Stuart Thomas 
born March 29, 1913, Cardiff, Glamorgan [now in Cardiff], Wales
died September 25, 2000, Llanfairynghornwy, Gwynedd

      Welsh clergyman and poet whose lucid, austere verse expresses an undeviating affirmation of the values of the common man.

      Thomas was educated in Wales at University College at Bangor (1935) and ordained in the Church of Wales (1936), in which he held appointments in several parishes. He published his first volume of poetry in 1946 and gradually developed his unadorned style with each new collection. His early poems, most notably those found in Stones of the Field (1946) and Song at the Year's Turning: Poems 19421954 (1955), contained a harshly critical but increasingly compassionate view of the Welsh people and their stark homeland. In Thomas's later volumes, starting with Poetry for Supper (1958), the subjects of his poetry remained the same, yet his questions became more specific, his irony more bitter, and his compassion deeper. In such later works as The Way of It (1977), Frequencies (1978), Between Here and Now (1981), and Later Poems 19721982 (1983), Thomas was not without hope when he described with mournful derision the cultural decay affecting his parishioners, his country, and the modern world. Though an ardent Welsh nationalist, Thomas learned to speak Welsh only in his 30s and did not feel comfortable writing poetry in that tongue; however, Neb (1985; “No One”; Eng. trans. Autobiographies), a collection of autobiographical essays, was written in Welsh. Thomas was awarded the Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry in 1964. His Collected Poems 19451990 was published in 1993.

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