Teirlinck, Herman

Teirlinck, Herman

Flemish author
in full  Herman Louis-Cesar Teirlinck 
born Feb. 24, 1879, St.-Jans-Molenbeek, Belg.
died Feb. 4, 1967, Beersel

      Flemish novelist, poet, short-story writer, essayist, and playwright who is considered one of the four or five best modern Flemish writers. His dramas were a notable influence on post-World War I European theatre.

      Teirlinck's first book, Verzen (1900), was a volume of poetry, but he soon demonstrated in fiction the virtuosity and thematic variety that would characterize his entire career. Having tried his hand at both rural and urban tales and impressionistic sketches (Zon [1906; “Sun”]), he reached maturity as a novelist with Mijnheer J. B. Serjanszoon (1908), a witty and cynical novel whose elegant manner contrasted sharply with the conventions of Dutch fiction, and Het ivoren aapje (1909; “The Ivory Monkey”), a self-conscious and brooding portrait of society life in Brussels.

      In the years after World War I, Expressionism was the dominant movement in Flemish literature. Drama flourished in this environment, and the Flemish popular theatre developed into one of the most original in Europe. There, Teirlinck introduced the concept of total theatre, combining dance, mime, music, cinematic effects, and echoes of medieval miracle plays (miracle play). He worked exclusively for the theatre for nearly 20 years. Some of his best-known plays are De vertraagde film (1922; “The Slow Motion Picture”), Ik dien (1924; “I Serve”), and De man zonder lijf (1925; “The Man Without a Body”). During World War II Teirlinck returned to writing fiction. All his later prose works are experimental in technique. Maria Speermalie (1940) presents a protrait of a dominant woman through a variety of techniques and styles. Rolande met de Bles (1944; “Rolande with the Blaze”) is an epistolary novel. Teirlinck's Zelfportret of het galgemaal (1955; The Man in the Mirror), a self-portrait written entirely in the second person singular, is considered the best work of his post-World War II career.

      Teirlinck's collected works (Verzameld werk), edited by W. Pée and A. Van Elslander, were published in nine volumes (196070).

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