Tarde, Gabriel

Tarde, Gabriel

French sociologist
in full  Jean-Gabriel De Tarde  
born March 12, 1843, Sarlat [now Sarlat-la-Canéda], Dordogne, France
died May 13, 1904, Paris
 French sociologist and criminologist who was one of the most versatile social scientists of his time. His theory of social interaction (“intermental activity”) emphasized the individual in an aggregate of persons and brought Tarde into conflict with Émile Durkheim (Durkheim, Émile), who viewed society as a collective unity.

      Tarde served as a magistrate in the Dordogne and, from 1894, as director of the criminal statistics bureau at the Ministry of Justice in Paris. From 1900 he was professor of modern philosophy at the Collège de France. By 1875 he had developed his basic social philosophy. Holding that invention is the source of all progress, Tarde believed that perhaps 1 person in 100 is inventive. Innovations are imitated, but the imitations themselves differ in degree and kind. Opposition arises both between varied imitations and between the new and the old in culture. The outcome is an adaptation that is in itself an invention. Tarde saw this sequence as an unending cycle constituting the process of social history and explained the phenomenon in Les Lois sociales (1898; Social Laws). He treated the repetition phase in his best-known work, Les Lois de l'imitation (1890; The Laws of Imitation). Tarde's work in this area influenced later thinking about the concepts of social psychology and the diffusion of social ideas.

      In La Criminalité comparée (1886; “Comparative Criminality”) and other works, Tarde attacked the extreme biological-causation theories of Cesare Lombroso (Lombroso, Cesare) and his school, pointing out the importance of environment in criminal behaviour. His two-volume Psychologie économique (1902) stimulated the institutional economics of John Hobson in the United Kingdom and Thorstein Veblen (Veblen, Thorstein) in the United States.

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