Symons, Arthur

Symons, Arthur

English poet and critic
in full  Arthur William Symons 
born Feb. 28, 1865, Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, Eng.
died Jan. 22, 1945, Wittersham, Kent
 poet and critic, the first English champion of the French Symbolist (Symbolist movement) poets.

      Symons's schooling was irregular, but, determined to be a writer, he soon found a place in the London literary journalism of the 1890s. He joined the Rhymers' Club (a group of poets including William Butler Yeats and Ernest Dowson), contributed to The Yellow Book (Yellow Book, The), and became editor of a new magazine, The Savoy (1896), with Aubrey Beardsley as art editor. Symons was well versed in European literature and knew the French writers Paul Verlaine, Stéphane Mallarmé, and Joris-Karl Huysmans. He expanded his pioneering essay "The Decadent Movement in Literature" (Harper's, November 1893) into a book, The Symbolist Movement in Literature (1899), which influenced both Yeats and T.S. Eliot; in it he characterized Symbolist literature as suggesting or evoking theunseen reality apprehended by the consciousness.” Symons's criticism constitutes an ambitious development of Walter Pater's model of theaesthetic critic.”

      Symons's best poetry is strongly fin de siècle in feeling. Days and Nights (1889), Silhouettes (1892), and London Nights (1895) contain admirable impressionist lyrics, sensitive to the complex moods of urban life. "Episode of a Night of May" is an exquisitely ironic fixing of the detail of modern social experience; "Maquillage" is one of the best statements of the Aesthetic cult of artifice; Yeats described "La Mélinite: Moulin Rouge" asone of the most perfect lyrics of our time.” Symons suffered a serious attack of mental illness in 190810. He recovered to produce, over the next 20 years, a stream of travel writing, criticism, and translation, though he never quite regained the intense originality of his early period.

Additional Reading
Karl Beckson, Arthur Symons: A Life (1987); John M. Munro, Arthur Symons (1969); Lawrence W. Markert, Arthur Symons, Critic of the Seven Arts (1988).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Symons, Arthur (William) — (28 feb. 1865, Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, Inglaterra–22 ene. 1945, Wittersham, Kent). Poeta y crítico inglés. Fue colaborador de The Yellow Book, una revista de vanguardia, y editor de The Savoy (1896). El movimiento simbolista en la… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Symons, Arthur (William) — born Feb. 28, 1865, Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, Eng. died Jan. 22, 1945, Wittersham, Kent English poet and critic. He contributed to The Yellow Book, an avant garde journal, and edited The Savoy (1896). His Symbolist Movement in Literature… …   Universalium

  • Arthur Symons — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Arthur William Symons (Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, Inglaterra, 28 de febrero de 1865 Wittersham, Kent, 22 de enero de 1945) fue un poeta, crítico y editor inglés, introductor del simbolismo en el Reino Unido.… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Arthur Symons — Arthur William Symons (* 28. Februar 1865 in Wittersham, Kent; † 22. Januar 1945) war ein englischer Lyriker und Kritiker. Symons wurde bekannt mit seinen den Geist der Dekadenz und des Fin de Siècle spiegelnden Gedichten (Days and nights, 1889;… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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