

islands, Indonesia
Indonesian  Kepulauan Sula , Dutch  Soela Eilanden 

      chain of islands in western North Maluku propinsi (province), Indonesia. They lie east of central Celebes and between the Molucca Sea (north) and Banda Sea (south). Three large islands, Taliabu (the largest), Mangole, and Sanana (or Sulabesi), and several smaller ones make up the chain. The area of this group is about 1,875 square miles (4,850 square km). Taliabu and Mangole are separated by the narrow Capalulu Strait and are mountainous, thickly forested, and thinly populated. Taliabu has mountains rising to 3,796 feet (1,157 metres). Sanana is well-populated and cultivated. The resemblance between the birds of the Sulas and those of Buru island to the southeast have suggested to naturalists the possible existence of a land bridge at one time.

      The islands produce timber for shipbuilding, and the inhabitants are good navigators. Damar, a resin, is collected in the forests. rice, corn (maize), tobacco, and sugarcane are cultivated, principally on Sanana. The sago palm forms the staple food for Taliabu and Mangole. An inferior grade of coal is found on Sanana. The people weave sarongs (sarong) and plait mats.

      The inhabitants of the Sulas resemble those of Buru and Ceram and may be of Malayo-Polynesian ancestry from eastern Celebes. Most practice traditional religions, but the Muslim population is increasing. Sanana, on that island's northeastern coast, is the chief town, port, and residence of the islands' local administrator; it was once the haunt of pirates. Lekitobi in the southwest is the chief town on Taliabu; Auponhia, also in the southwest, is the chief town of Mangole. The Sulas were once part of the sultan of Ternate (Ternate Island)'s territory and came under Dutch influence in 1683.

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