
/see ram"/; Port. /se rddahonn"/; Du. /say"rddahm/, n.
an island of the Moluccas in Indonesia, W of New Guinea. 100,000; 7191 sq. mi. (18,625 sq. km). Also called Serang.

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Island of the central Moluccas, Indonesia.

It has an area of 6,621 sq mi (17,148 sq km). The terrain is mountainous and covered with tropical forests; seismic activity is common. Portuguese missionaries arriving in the 15th century found Hindu and Islamic influences present; the island came under nominal Dutch control с 1650. During World War II the Japanese occupied it; after the war it became part of Indonesia.

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also spelled  Seran , or  Serang , Indonesian  Seram 

      island, part of the Moluccas (Maluku) archipelago, eastern Indonesia. It is located between the Ceram Sea (north) and the Banda Sea (south) and is west of New Guinea and east of Buru Island, across the Manipa Strait. Ceram has an area of 6,621 square miles (17,148 square km) and is administratively part of Maluku provinsi (province).

      Ceram is mountainous, the highest point being Mount Binaiyi (9,905 feet [3,019 metres]) in the central part, and seismic activity is common. Its many rivers are partly navigable by small craft only during the rainy season. Within the Ceram group are included Ceram Laut, the Gorong (or Goram) Islands, and the Watubela group, all southeast of Ceram. None has hills of more than 1,300 feet (400 metres), and most are thickly wooded. Ceram is covered with tropical forests, the result of a hot climate and heavy rainfall, and excellent timber is produced. The sago palm thrives, and forest products are exported. The flightless cassowary is noteworthy among the fauna.

      The Ceramese people of the interior are of mixed Malay-Papuan origin; they live in pile-supported houses and for weapons traditionally use bow and arrow, the short swordlike parang, and the lance. They survive by fishing, hunting, and making sago flour. The Ceramese language has no written script and is closely related to the indigenous language of Ambon Island, just to the south; Malay is commonly used on the coasts, along which are Muslim and Christian settlements. The coastal inhabitants grow some rice and corn (maize), and there are a few coffee and tobacco plantations. There are airfields at Bula and Amahai.

      Dutch influence over the island began in the mid-17th century; it was completed with help from Ternate and Ambon. In 1950 the Christians joined in an abortive secession attempt of the South Moluccan Republic.

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