Suhrawardī, as-

Suhrawardī, as-

Persian mystic
in full  Shihāb ad-Dīn Yaḥyā ibn Ḥabash ibn Amīrak as-Suhrawardī,  also called  al-Maqtūl or Shaykh al-Ishrāq 
born c. 1155, Suhraward, near Zanjān, Iran
died 1191, Ḥalab, Syria

      mystic theologian and philosopher who was a leading figure of the illuminationist school of Islamic philosophy, attempting to create a synthesis between philosophy and mysticism.

      After studying at Eṣfahān, a leading centre of Islamic scholarship, as-Suhrawardī traveled through Iran, Anatolia, and Syria. Influenced by mystical teachings, he spent much time in meditation and retreat, and in Ḥalab (modern Aleppo) he favourably impressed its ruler, Malik aẓ-Ẓāhir, son of Saladin. His teachings, however, particularly the pantheistic overtones of his mystical doctrines, aroused the opposition of the established and orthodox ʿulamāʾ (“men of learning”), who persuaded Malik aẓ-Ẓāhir to have him put to death. The appellation al-Maqtūl (“the Killed”) meant that he was not to be considered a shahīd (“martyr”).

      As-Suhrawardī wrote voluminously. The more than 50 separate works that were attributed to him were classified into two categories: doctrinal and philosophical accounts containing commentaries on the works of Aristotle and Plato, as well as his own contribution to the illuminationist school; and shorter treatises, generally written in Persian and of an esoteric nature, meant to illustrate the paths and journeys of a mystic before he could achieve ma ʿrifah (“gnosis,” or esoteric knowledge).

      Influenced by Aristotelian philosophy and Zoroastrian doctrines, he attempted to reconcile traditional philosophy and mysticism. In his best-known work, Ḥikmat al-ishrāq (“The Wisdom of Illumination”), he said that essences are creations of the intellect, having no objective reality or existence. Concentrating on the concepts of being and non-being, he held that existence is a single continuum that culminates in a pure light that he called God. Other stages of being along this continuum are a mixture of light and dark.

      As-Suhrawardī also founded a mystical order known as the Ishrāqīyah. The Nūrbakhshīyah order of dervishes (itinerant holy men) also traces its origins to him.

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Universalium. 2010.

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