Stamitz, Johann

Stamitz, Johann

Bohemian composer
in full  Johann Wenzel Anton Stamitz  original name  Jan Waczlaw (Václav) Antonín Stamitz 
baptized June 19, 1717, Nemecký Brod, Bohemia [now Havlíčkův Brod, Czech Republic]
died March 27?, 1757, Mannheim, Palatinate [Germany]

      Bohemian composer who founded the Mannheim school of symphonists (symphony), which had an immense influence on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

      Stamitz received early musical education from his father and appeared as a violinist in Frankfurt am Main in 1742. He had apparently by then been engaged as a chamber musician to Prince Karl Theodor (Elector Palatine after 1743), after the coronation of the emperor Charles VII in Prague. In 1745 he was appointed concertmaster of the court orchestra at Mannheim. He also spent a year in Paris (175455), where he performed for the Concert Spirituel and the Concert Italien, the two most important concert series of 18th-century Paris.

      Stamitz brought the Mannheim orchestra to a standard unrivaled in its day for both precision and scope of expression. The orchestral effects of a gradual crescendo and diminuendo, though not his invention (perhaps not even Niccolò Jommelli's, although he is almost as often given credit), became a hallmark of his style and were imitated by later composers. Another characteristic of his style was the use ofsighingsuspensions, particularly at cadences. These were incorporated into Rococo-style music throughout Europe.

      His use of the minuet and trio as the third movement of a four-movement symphony was similarly adopted by Classical composers, in place of the three-movement symphony previously common. He contributed to the evolution of the Classical sonata form by introducing contrasting themes within a single movement.

      It is difficult to overestimate Stamitz's influence. Although contemporary composers in Berlin, Vienna, and Italy likewise developed some of these features, it was the first generation of Mannheimers (Stamitz and his associates) who were most influential in establishing the mid-18th-century style of orchestral writing. Stamitz left a large number of symphonies, concertos, and chamber works, although scholars have often been unable to verify attributions.

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